Search Results for: karnataka

Parliamentary Panel remembers Cyber Appellate Tribunal

The fact that Cyber Appellate Tribunal (CAT) the appellate authority for all Adjudications in the country under Section 46 of ITA 2000/8 has not been functional since June 2011 has been discussed adnauseam on this site. (Refer here). It was … Continue reading

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90% growth in Credit Card Frauds … Dear Police, How Many Banks have you Charged?

It is unfortunate that some of the unpleasant prophesies of on increasing Card related frauds are becoming a reality. It is reported that Mumbai Police statistics show that in the first 9 months of 2015, Credit card frauds rose … Continue reading

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Special Interest Group on ITA 2000/8 Amendment

Naavi has been pointing out that the increasing use of IT in E Governance and E Commerce and the embracing of the Digital India policy which includes the Internet of Things and Big Data, there is a need for a … Continue reading

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E Commerce industry should open their eyes to the new threat..

Bengaluru is hailed as the Silicon Capital of the country.  A few years back there was an announcement made that Bengaluru would be made the Cyber Security Capital of the country. Startups still consider that this is the City to … Continue reading

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Naavi’s Cyber Law Compliance Center has been advocating Cyber Law Compliance as a policy across all users of IT and Internet. This mission towards Cyber Law Compliance started right from 17th October 2000 and since then Naavi has taken … Continue reading

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E Commerce taxation.. a comment from an official from Andhra

In response to the previous post “Is Karnataka Government hitting NASSCOM through E Commerce taxation?”, the following comment has been received from Mr G.D, Thakur, Assistant Excise and Taxation Commissioner, Hyderabad. Since the response is exhaustive, it has been published here … Continue reading

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