Search Results for: bitcoin

Courts can be Crazy

Recently two judgements were reported from abroad one on a Canadian Court considering the Emoji Thumbs up as a digital signature, another where a victim of an identity theft was adjudged guilty of Trademark infringement. To this I would like … Continue reading

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Digital India Act-9 : Digital Media Disclaimer

One of the challenges that the Cyber World is facing is in maintaining the trust worthiness of the Internet content. In the coming days there will be increased use of ChatGPT tools by consumers and it is essential to retain … Continue reading

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Chat GPT: Destroying the Trust in Internet

When Internet was first introduced with the World Wide Web, the world was excited. We all thought that an “Information Super Highway” has been created and it will bring the Encyclopedia Britannica into my desktop. No doubt this happened and … Continue reading

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Should AI ethics include “Forgetting”?…towards AI regulation in India

This is a continuation of our discussion on ” Towards AI Regulation in India”. Presently, any AI algorithm is a piece of computer instruction which creates an automatic functioning of a software/hardware. The automated functioning of the AI device is … Continue reading

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I am not happy with FTX crash but I have the right to say ..I told you so…

I have been carrying on a crusade against Private Crypto Currencies such as Bitcoin for years and if anybody can say FTX crash was natural, I have the right to say so. Money Control today carried an article titled “FTX … Continue reading

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CBDC will change the World Economic Order

The introduction of CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) by RBI has been perplexing to many. The reason is that India has developed a functional system of virtual currency system with mobile payments. For all practical purpose, “Mobile” is our digital … Continue reading

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