Search Results for: intermediary

Divide and Destroy Policy to delay Passing of PDPB 2019

Hindustan Times has carried an article today under the title “RBI Seeks exemption from Data Protection Law”.  At first glance it appears to be a serious opinion from the financial regulator but on deeper verification, appear to be a planted … Continue reading

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“Defamation” as Business Strategy

Among the many abuses of the great innovation called Internet and World Wide Web is the misuse of the technology for organized defamation like what we used to refer in the physical world as “Yellow Journalism”. While some adopt abuse … Continue reading

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Net4India discontinuance of service..Towards finding a solution

Two years back, when I wrote the article “Is Net4India closing down”? , I thought it was meant only to stimulate the company into gearing itself towards improving its service deficiencies. At that time I had got some information from … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law | 13 Comments

ICANN Has to find a solution to Net4India problem

On July 31, 2017, I had written an article “Is Net4India closing down its operations?” At that time I had some problems and subsequently my issues were to some extent resolved. However, in recent days, I am receiving many complaints … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law | 84 Comments

The Dangers of allowing Guest Posts has believed on knowledge dissemination and through out the 20 years of existence tried to spread knowledge freely. In the process, when some body wants to publish any article of their own on, I have obliged if the … Continue reading

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What If I get a fake product in online purchase?

When we order an expensive device like a Mobile or laptop online and end up receiving a package containing stones as the above unfortunate gentleman is reported to have received, one wonders how to recover the loss. The E Commerce … Continue reading

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