Search Results for: bitcoin,Bitcoin,bit coin

Bitcoin in Physical Form?

Bitcoin started as a Peer to peer virtual currency system. With Baidu (Google in China) starting to accept payments in Bitcoin, there is now an official patronage for the system from the Chinese Government. In a further bid to  provide … Continue reading

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Is Bitcoin legal?

While the Bitcoin system is gaining increased attention in the media, it is essential to debate the legality of the system as per Indian laws. It is reported that there would be a global conference in Bangalore on December 14th … Continue reading

Posted in bitcoin, Cyber Crime, ITA 2008 | Leave a comment

The threat of Bitcoins…Attention RBI

An article in Forbes raises an interesting aspect on how China may be preparing for a new Cyber War front based on controlling the virtual currency. See the article here Readers of are familiar with the discussions on “Linden” … Continue reading

Posted in Bank, bitcoin, Cyber Crime, RBI | Leave a comment

Dogecoin Co-Founder says Cryptos are a Scam… Will the Indian Government still support Cryptos? ahs been running a sustained campaign advocating a ban on Crypto Currencies (Privately created and managed, like Bitcoin) in India. Time and again it has been pointed out that 1.Cryto currencies are the currencies of the criminals and cyber … Continue reading

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“Innovation Behind Bars” … Who is Nakoshi Sakamoto? Time to cancel the Bail for Unocoin has carried an article titled “ Innovation Behind Bars: the arrest of India’s first Bitcoin ‘ATM’ Operators”. It has made several comments on the arrest of the founders of who owned the ATM which was installed in a mall … Continue reading

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Who is lying? Unocoin Advocates ? or the Press?

Over the last few days the arrest of the executives of Unocoin the Bitcoin trading company for installing a “Bitcoin ATM” in Bangalore is making news. There are views and counter views on whether it was fair to arrest the … Continue reading

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