Search Results for: 65B

David Coleman Headley deposition gives a boost to ODR Global

Naavi has been a long time advocate of the use of electronic means of communication in Judicial matters. Whenever we hear that accused escapes while in transit to a Court or see the enormous police force deployment just to bring … Continue reading

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Transformation from ADR To Virtual ODR

This is a continuation of the Part I of the article on Virtual ODR “Virtual ODR” is the ODR system that is adopted by It is an ODR system in the sense that it is an “Online” system for … Continue reading

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Online Dispute Resolution.. The Solution is here.. use it..

Disputes are an inevitable reality in business. There is no business without disputes and hence one of the major business Governance issue is how to effectively manage a dispute resolution mechanism in a corporate environment. Major disputes in a corporate … Continue reading

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Volkswagen fraud opens up debate on source code secrecy, audit and compliance issues

Information Security auditors are some times required to conduct a “Software Source Code audit” to find out if the software is reliable and does not have any malicious codes embedded there in which may violate the privacy of the user … Continue reading

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Evidence Act to be amended to facilitate Cyber Crime convictions?

It is reported that an expert committee on Cyber crimes has amongst other things recommended an amendment to Indian Evidence Act. Ostensibly the objective is to help law enforcement agencies to tackle new generation of cyber crimes particularly the mobile … Continue reading

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Supreme Court clarifies on Evidentiary Aspects

Ever since ITA 2000 became a law in India (17th October 2000), discussions are being held on the admissibility of electronic evidence in a Court of law. Section 65B of the Indian Evidence Act laid down the procedure by which … Continue reading

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