Search Results for: adjudicator

Cyber Insurance for All.. A pre requisite for Digital India

In the context of the Government’s push on the Digital India concept, there is an increasing apprehension that the society in India will become more and more dependent on Internet, E Commerce and E Governance. Some of this dependence comes … Continue reading

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If NaMo is the CEO of Digital India.. who will be the CISO of Digital India?

The event on 1st July, 2015, in which our Prime Minister Modi launched the Digital India project along with the battery of industrialists was very very impressive. I suppose Mr Arnab Goswami and the Congress must be squirming within themselves … Continue reading

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Airtel does a Maggi!

Just as Maggi has got into a controversy on its taste enhancing additives to its noodles, Airtel appears to be encountering a controversy by introducing a “Computer contaminant” into its customer’s browsers which is an offence under Section 66 of … Continue reading

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Banks Prepare an assault on customers through Court actions has been highlighting the fact that banks are conducting “Unsafe Banking” in pursuance of “Profit before Customer Service” and pushing Customers into greater and greater risks. RBI has through the 2001 guidelines on Internet Banking and again through the … Continue reading

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17 years …The journey of

I am suddenly reminded by linked in that today completed 17 years of existence. I was woken up to this reality by the congratulatory messages sent by some of my friends. 17 years has been a long time and … Continue reading

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Yet another Bank Fraud.. What will RBI say?

Bank frauds have been so common in India that it hardly surprises any body when a new fraud is reported. The Banks are after technology in a hurry and RBI has either no clue to the risks or is just … Continue reading

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