Search Results for: 65B

Calling attention of Branch Manager, State Bank of India, Musiri Branch, Tamil Nadu

This is an open letter to The Manager, State Bank of India, Musiri Branch, Tiruchirapalli Branch, Tamil Nadu. Dear Sir I am informed that on June 7th 2017, 5 fraudulent withdrawals have been made from one of the customer’s of … Continue reading

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WannaCry and Cyber Insurance

The WannaCry ransomware seems to have targetted the health sector more, probably for the reason that most of the systems used in the industry were using unpatched or old windows systems and also their employees were not as well informed … Continue reading

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Google Mobile Ad server has a serious vulnerability.. Mobile App owners..please take care

Many of the app developers develop interesting and useful mobile Apps which are offered free and supported by Ads from Google. There is no doubt that the creator of the Ad is entitled to monetize his creative work and we … Continue reading

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Telengana Court poses a question to Supreme Court on Section 66A

Recently a judgements from Hyderabad under ITA 2000/8 has raised interesting debates in Cyber Law Circles which make a good case study for academic purpose. Presently we are commenting on the basis of the following two news reports Times of … Continue reading

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Notice through WhatsApp… Mr Khemka’s order

This is in continuation of the previous article “Is a WhatsApp Notice valid in law?… A Case for Cyber Notice service“. The copy of the order of Mr Khemka is now available and reproduced here. Some key observations in the order are … Continue reading

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Is a WhatsApp Notice valid in law?… A Case for Cyber Notice service

A Financial Commissioner (FC) Court in Haryana, considered as a quasi judicial body headed by the IAS officer Ashok Khemka has created what can be considered as a “Double Edged Precedent” by sending a “Summons” through WhtsAPP. (I suppose thsi … Continue reading

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