Search Results for: karnataka

Smart City Council holds a “Round Table” in Bangalore

Smart City Council India, conducted an event in Bangalore on 28th July 2017 in which a report on  “Role of Surveillance in Securing Cities” was released. The program was sponsored by Western Digital Technologies one of the leading commercial stake … Continue reading

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Bhasmasura Syndrome grips Bitcoin supporters

Bitcoin is now at cross roads. Which direction it may take globally is not clear. Indian regulators should consider themselves fortunate that they have not yet committed themselves to issuing of their guidelines despite pressure from different directions. Currently the … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law | 1 Comment

Deletion of CCTV footage could be an offence under Section 65/66 of ITA 2008 and Section 204 of IPC

In the recent days, we have heard of many instances when CCTV footages have gone missing in important Criminal investigations. This will frustrate the investigations and completely destroy the case. Deletion of CCTV footages have been alleged in the case … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law | 13 Comments

Wipro Terror Threat renewed… It is Bitcoin demand again

We had extensively discussed the e-mail threat received by Wipro some time back in which an e-mail had been received by Wipro threatening that if Rs 500 crores is not paid in Bitcoins, they would spread “Ricin” in Wipro premises through Drones … Continue reading

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Beware of the Flipkart Big Sale Phishing

[P.S:. I thank Mr Niket Popat, a security professional from Gujarat for bringing this potential scam to my notice.] Some time back, we had brought to the notice of the public through our article: “Jio upgrade Phishing..Jio and Hyderabad Police … Continue reading

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WannaCry, Is it an US Cyber War Preparation that went awry?

Today, the 15th May 2017, Indian corporates, including Banks will be switching on their computers with a prayer in their lips hoping that they would not see the dreaded “Your files are encrypted” screen. It is still not clear what … Continue reading

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