Search Results for: e banking

Banks want their negligence to be underwritten by the Customers. Do you agree Mr Urjit Patel?

Yesterday, I highlighted the plight of a customer of State Bank of India Musiri branch in Tamil Nadu who lost Rs 49773/- through a fraud. We can recall here the decision of the Adjudicator of Tamil Nadu in the case of … Continue reading

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Calling attention of Branch Manager, State Bank of India, Musiri Branch, Tamil Nadu

This is an open letter to The Manager, State Bank of India, Musiri Branch, Tiruchirapalli Branch, Tamil Nadu. Dear Sir I am informed that on June 7th 2017, 5 fraudulent withdrawals have been made from one of the customer’s of … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law | 2 Comments

Why we need to defer introduction of AEPS?

The Aadhar based payment system which is meant to capture the biometrics and initiate banking transactions is being pushed for implementation by June 30, 2017. However, we request the authorities not to stand on false egos and try to introduce … Continue reading

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Is AEPS a Digital Honey Trap?… Is there an Escape Plan?

In January 2017, an interim report of the NITI Ayog Committee of Chief Ministers on digital payments recommended  To ensure wide-scale adoption of AEPS and Aadhaar Pay, banks need to be mandated to complete Aadhaar seeding of all their customers … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law | 1 Comment

Can we replace Bitcoin argument with a “Law Compliant Crypto currency of India” acceptable to all? has a history of raising issues that are necessary to create a “Responsible Cyber Society”. Towards this end we have been critical on many aspects of Law and Governance of Cyber Society, but always tried to provide a positive … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law | 2 Comments

Bitcoin Vs Counter Cyber Financial Terrorism… Which side will the NDA Government take?

Bitcoin supporters are now in a PR thrust mode trying to lobby with the Media and bring influence on the Modi Government for a favourable dispensation including some kind of recognition for Bitcoin. According to this story “India is preparing Bitcoin … Continue reading

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