Search Results for: quantum

In the wonderland of Quantum Cyber Law, Physics is part of Law specialization

Ever since Law entered Cyber space and the term “Cyber Law” was coined, the field of law has been shaken up. When ITA 2000 (Information Technology Act 2000) was notified and conventional lawyers started reading it they soon encountered right … Continue reading

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Section 65B in the Quantum Computing Scenario

I must admit here my excitement about Quantum Computing and discussing the impact of a principle of Physics for Cyber Law development, since I left my formal college education as a student of Physics, when the Quantum Mechanics was at … Continue reading

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Quantum Computing and Emerging Cyber Law Challenges..Are we ready?

Cyber Laws have been in discussion in India since around 1998 when the first draft was published. After the passage of Information Technology Act 2000, the laws came into existence and started affecting every one of our activities on computer … Continue reading

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DPDPA Rules-Data Breach Notification

Data Breach Notification is an important aspect of compliance of any data protection law. DPDPA 2023 also requires a notification both to the DPBI and the Data Principal in the event of a data breach. The DPDPA 2023 act had … Continue reading

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Broadcasting Services (Regulation) Bill 2023-2

(Continued from the previous article) The provisions of the Broadcasting bill 2023 are reproduced here. Structure of the Bill Chapter Sections Title I Preliminary 1 Short title, Commencement and Applicability 2 Definitions II Regulation of Broadcasting Services 3 Applicability of … Continue reading

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Time to Re-visit “Adjudication” under ITA 2000

ITA 2000 has been the epoch making legislation in India which is now being considered for a major revision. The revisions are focussed mainly on how to bring new technology such as AI or Meta Verse or Blockchain or Quantum … Continue reading

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