Search Results for: privacy

Impact of Supreme Court’s Order on Right to Privacy on Cyber Space and Data Protection

A Round table was held at National Law School of India, Bangalore, the premier law education institute in the country on assessing the impact of the Supreme Court order on Right to Privacy on Cyber Space and Data Protection. Dr … Continue reading

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Privacy…is a “Fundamental Right” but we donot know what constitutes “Privacy”!

(This is in continuation of our discussion on Justice Chelmeshwar’s part of the judgement in the Privacy case) While the nine eminent judges went about their mission to declare “Privacy As a Fundamental Right”, they also encountered the problem defining … Continue reading

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The Privacy Judgement… Conclusion.. Need for Definition of Privacy

[This is in continuation of our debate on the Privacy Judgement] The Puttaswamy judgement from the 9 member bench of the Supreme Court which was hailed as a “Historic” judgement ended up with a simple declaration that “Right to Privacy … Continue reading

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Concatenating the individual Conclusions of the Privacy Judgement

In continuation of our previous article on the “Hashing of the Privacy Judgement” we can now look at the six pieces of individual judgement and the end notes in each of these judgement s that can be considered as “Judgmental … Continue reading

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Hashing the 547 pages of Privacy Judgement

The 9 Bench judgement of the Supreme Court on “Privacy as a Fundamental Right” following the petition of Justice K.S.Puttaswamy and Others, runs into 547 pages of discussion which makes a great material for law colleges as teaching material on … Continue reading

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Supreme Court Judgement on Privacy as a Fundamental Right… What changes?

The Supreme Court judgement on Privacy delivered today by a 9 Judge bench, has categorically made a statement that “Right to Privacy is a Fundamental Right” under Article 21 of the constitution as part of the “Right to Life and … Continue reading

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