Search Results for: karnataka

T K Vishwanathan Committee Report… Is it only a small leak?

The Government of India had set up a committee under the chairmanship of Mr T.K.Vishwanathan former Union Law Secretary and Secretary General, Lok Sabha to review ITA 2008. Mr Vishwanathan was the person who worked on the first draft of ITA … Continue reading

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Bangalore Cyber Crime Police record a notable success…What next?

It was heartening to note today that Times of India front news page carried a news of a successful Cyber Crime prevention operation in which Skimming in 5 ATMs were detected before any customer reported a loss. Normally Banks realize … Continue reading

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Google is the best teacher in the Digital World. But is it forgetting its basic reason for existence?

On the occasion of the “Teacher’s Day” today, it is appropriate to spare a few thoughts on the role of “Teaching” in the Digital Era. “Teaching” essentially involves “Knowledge Transfer” and it may happen either within the four walls of … Continue reading

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Calling Attention of Dr Ponnuswamy Venugopal- AIADMK MP- on Proposed Amendment to Indian Registration Act 1908

I call for the Attention of our honourable member of Parliament, Dr P.Venugopal, a Loksabha member of AIADMK from Thiruvalluvar Constitutency.  Dr Venugopal is the Chairman of the “Standing Committee” which gave recommendations on the amendments to Indian Registration Act 1908 … Continue reading

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Ignorance Kills Career of a Promising Techie.. Will it affect Ola Cabs also?

Irrespective of what happens later in the complaint of UIDAI against Mr Abhinav Srivastava, a software engineer working at Ola Cabs (ANI Technologies Pvt Ltd), the fact is that he has now been booked as a “Prime Accused” in a … Continue reading

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“Aadhar hacking case” is an example of Techno Legal Risk management failure

The so called “Aadhar Hacking Case” filed in Bangalore on Abhinav Shrivastava, has also revealed two important lessons for organizations such as UIDAI, NIC and Hospitals on the one hand and also the Police and the Adjudicator of Karnataka on … Continue reading

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