Search Results for: 66A

Will the Supreme Court now strike down Section 124A of IPC?

The recent circular from the Maharashtra Government explaining the law of “Sedition” as mentioned in Section 124A of IPC has opened up a debate rightly in how the law can be misused. Refer here for more information For records the … Continue reading

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Case of Blind leading the Blind-Cyber Crime Statistics from NCRB

Yesterday, there were preliminary reports about the Cyber Crime statistics released by NCRB for 2014. This is a set of statistics gathered by collating the data from different state level police. Today some enthusiastic journalists have started writing their analytical … Continue reading

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Bangalore is the Cyber Crime Capital of India?

According to the recent NCRB data on cyber crimes released, Bangalore is reported to be the leading metro with 675 cases being registered under ITA 2008. Refer article in Hindu Hyderabad stood second with 386 cases followed by Jaipur and … Continue reading

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Conviction of an Intermediary is possible even before the real cyber criminal is traced.

It had been reported earlier that a Cyber Cafe owner in Pune was imprisoned for 15 days and fined for Rs 10000/-  under Section 67(C) of Information Technology Act 2000 as amended in 2008 (ITA2000/8). We now have a copy of … Continue reading

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Cyber Cafe Owner punished under Section 67C.. Now CISOs/CEOs beware!

In a first of the kind verdict in JMFC Court, in District Pune, Khed, a Cyber Cafe owner was punished for not keeping the visiting register with an imprisonment of 15 days and a fine of Rs 10000/- The conviction … Continue reading

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Reputation damage through Social Media..New Zealand passes new law

“Reputation Damage” is a concern of both Individuals or a Companies. The risk of “Reputation Damage” has increased with the growing influence of Internet and more particularly the social media such as Twitter and Facebook.  While the core objective of Twitter and … Continue reading

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