Search Results for: cyber appellate tribunal

Loss of Mr Neeraj Arora…

It was a shocking news to receive today that our friend and a Cyber Law expert Mr Neeraj Arora is no more. It appears that he had recently recovered from Covid but succumbed to cardiac arrest. Mr Neeraj Arora was … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law | 1 Comment

WhatsApp relegates India to the Third World of Privacy Regulation

The revision of WhatsApp Privacy Policy and Terms has brought to light why an organization which is working in a multinational environment need adopt the approach taken by PDPSI (Personal Data Protection Standard of India)  for compliance. The first thing … Continue reading

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Live Mint Interview on Data Protection Regulations

Following is the interview of Naavi that appeared in Live Mint recently: Excerpts as published: What’s your take on the provisions in the bill? Privacy legislation is always a complicated legislation. You have to balance the interest of privacy activists … Continue reading

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  Cyber Law College, a division of Ujvala Consultants Pvt Ltd has been conducting interactive web based courses on Personal Data Protection Act of India based on the Bill which is expected to be passed into a law soon. In … Continue reading

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Crash Course on PDPA

Based on specific request, Naavi/Cyber Law  is conducting a crash course on Personal Data Protection Act of India from 20th April 2020 to 25th April 2020 through virtual training for 2 hours on each day. The program will be held … Continue reading

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E Book on Personal Data Protection Act of India published

  It is a pleasure to announce that the first book on Personal Data Protection Act of India has been released through Kindle…Amazon. Kindle version of this book is available at Rs 300/- The Print version is available both through … Continue reading

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