Search Results for: privacy

California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 …to be effective from January 2020

After the EU GDPR followed by UK DPA and German DPA, we now have California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 which has been passed to take effect from January 2020. (See the copy of the text here) Under the new … Continue reading

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Are Privacy Laws Getting bigger than Cyber Crime Laws?.. Is Profiteering replacing deterrence principle in law making?

GDPR has changed the landscape of Cyber Laws by redefining the priorities of Cyber Laws. So far the concern of the society was mostly on “Preventing Damage to a Citizen” through Cyber Crime laws. This was achieved by defining certain actions … Continue reading

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Will emerging Privacy Laws be a threat to the society?

The “Privacy laws” as they are emerging in the world are more intended to protect the community of those who want to hide their identity and commit crimes against the society than protect the honest citizens from Governmental surveillance or … Continue reading

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Aadhaar must be preserved with safeguards…. The root cause for Privacy breach is elsewhere

An interesting debate is happening in the Supreme Court on whether “Aadhaar is Constitutional” and whether it should be scrapped. We are informed that the Anti Aadhaar advocates have started putting through their view points to convince the Court that … Continue reading

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Uphold the “Right to Know” against “Right to Privacy” in the new Data Protection Law

As we enter the final stages of public consultation on the drafting of the new Data Protection Act of India following the release of the White Paper by the Justice Srikrishna Committee, one aspect of the law that needs attention … Continue reading

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Privacy law cannot be only a tool for hiding oneself

We often say that “One person’s right to extend the arm ends at the tip of the nose of the next person”. This is a well known cliche but often forgotten by those who are over enthusiastic on “Privacy” including … Continue reading

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