Search Results for: cyber appellate tribunal

Bank fraud of 1.05 crores

In an interesting fraud a Mumbai based cooperative bank found that Rs 1.05 crores was fraudulently transferred out of its account with another public sector bank by fraudulent RTGS transfers. TOI report The amount has been transferred to 12 different … Continue reading

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Government is on a holiday

The Lieutenant Governor of Delhi who was enjoying a holiday in US while the city was burning has now come back to India. Many hope that there will be some accountability for what happens in Delhi now. People have criticized … Continue reading

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Banks are under Attack.. Beware

Security specialists have put out a grave warning about a massive Cyber attack planned against 30 major US Banks. RSA recently announced that a gang of Criminals had developed a sophisticated Trojan under a project idenitified as “Project Blitzkreig” which … Continue reading

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GOI to file Reply on CAT Chairperson appointment in Karnataka High Court

Dec 3: The PIL regarding the non appointment of the Chair person for Cyber Appellate Tribunal (CAT), in New Delhi was heard in Karnataka High Court today. The PIL filed by an advocate Sri Chaitanya has alleged that the non appointment … Continue reading

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PATCO Case: Bank’s Liability for Frauds

Dec 3: Naavi has been personally fighting several Bank fraud cases on behalf of victim customers. This struggle has been temporarily blocked because the Government of India has failed to appoint the chairperson for Cyber Appellate Tribunal (CAT) since June 2011 … Continue reading

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PDPA 2021: The data breach notification regarding Non Personal Data

In the new version of PDPA 2021 (We can start calling this DPA 2021 from now onwards) that is replacing PDPB 2019 has indicated under Section 57 that “Obligation to take prompt and appropriate action in response to a data … Continue reading

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