Search Results for: 66A

Supreme Court’s mistake is behind an innocent girl’s suicide in Salem

Last year, two erudite Honourable Judges of the Supreme Court of India namely Justice F.Nariman and Justice Chelmeshwar heard a case filed by one Ms Shreya Singhal on the misuse of Facebook. These were cases where the Police had interpreted … Continue reading

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Parliamentary Committee report on Information Security

The Standing Committee of the Parliament on Information Technology has released its observations and recommendations as submitted in the Parliament on 21st December 2015. Some of the salient features relevant to the public are discussed here. Copy of the report … Continue reading

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Bug Bounty Program from Government is required

It was heartening to note that during the recent Cyber Security Summit in Delhi (Ground Zero), Mr Rajnath Singh, the Home Minister, stressed the need for “Cyber Security” for the success of the other Government initiatives such as the Digital … Continue reading

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“Do Not Disturb” not for websites?

In a significant ruling, the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC)has rejected to force websites a petition by the Consumer Watchdog to enforce the “Donot Track” requests from individuals. The petition had requested  that the Commission “initiate a rule making proceeding requiring … Continue reading

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Virtual Special Interest Group on Amendments to ITA 2008 This has reference to the detailed note “Special Interest Group in Amendment to ITA 2008”. It is proposed that a Virtual Special Interest Group of Cyber Law specialists is formed through … Continue reading

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Special Interest Group on ITA 2000/8 Amendment

Naavi has been pointing out that the increasing use of IT in E Governance and E Commerce and the embracing of the Digital India policy which includes the Internet of Things and Big Data, there is a need for a … Continue reading

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