Indian Data Protection Summit 2020: Day 3 of 3

The second day of IDPS 2020 was successfully concluded with two panel discussions namely one on Data Protection Officers and another on Cross Border Transfer of Data.

The  summit will conclude tomorrow with a discussion on Data Trust Score and PDPSI.

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Indian Data Protection Summit 2020 (IDPS2020): Day 2 of 3

IDPS 2020, the three day Indian Data Protection Summit 2020 was successfully launched yesterday the 19th November 2020.

The IDPS 2020 is being held concurrently with BTS 2020 (Bengaluru Tech Summit) as a virtual summit on Zoom platform.

The program started at 2.oo pm with Naavi introducing the event along with the objectives of FDPPI .During his brief introduction Naavi highlighted the following projects of FDPPI.

    1. Certification Programs for “Certified Data Protection Professional-Module I,”, “Certified Data Protection Professional-Module G,”,  and the forthcoming modules of Technology, Audit and Behavioural Skills.
    2. Introduction of an Implementation Framework “PDPSI” or “Personal Data Protection Standard of India” as a unified framework for implementation of multiple data protection laws in an organization.
    3. Introduction of  “Online Data Disputes Mediation and Arbitration Center” (Online DDMAC) as a platform for resolving disputes related to the data disputes between individuals and organizations as well as one organization and the other.
    4. Institution of an Integrated award on an annual basis firstly for an individual as “Champion Data Protection Professional”  in India  along with a recognition for the “Champion Team” supporting the individual and the “Champion Organization” supporting the team.
    5. Introduction of a Quarterly journal “Data Protection Journal of India” to be a helping hand for knowledge dissemination within his organization.

Naavi’s talk was followed by two panel discussions.

The First Panel discussion  was on ” Recent Data Breach Incidents and PDPA of India” where experts Mr Sudarshan Mandyam, Ritesh Bhatia and Dr Mahendra Limaye discussed some of the recent data breach incidents in India and introduced the proposed Indian Personal Data Protection Act of India.

The Second panel discussion followed on the theme of “PDPA of India is not a Clone of GDPR” and further explored the proposed Indian Act in comparison with the GDPR.

The program was well received.

The IDPS will continue today with two more sessions first session starting at 11.00 am (90 minutes) and the second a 4.00 pm (90 minutes). These sessions will discuss “The Challenges of being a DPO” and “The Enigma of Cross Border Data Transfer).

Experts, Ms Bhimesh Karadi, Anil Chiplunkar, Satish Kumar Dwibhashi and Sameer Mathur will constitute the first panel and Rajesh Vishwanathan, Nagendra Javagal and S. P. Arya would  constitute the second panel.

We look forward to professionals attending today’s sessions in good number.

The session is free to attend and the link information is available here:


P.S: In case you are attending the Bengaluru Tech Summit 2000, donot forget to visit our stall.

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Indian Data Protection Summit 2020: Day 1 of 3

Participation is free. Join on the above meeting room on Zoom platform or watch on You Tube channel.

The complete program is as follows:

The speakers conducting panel discussions are as follows:




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“Next Now” Summit to be inaugurated by Mr Narendra Modi tomorrow

Karnataka Government is conducting its flagship annual IT BT conference as a Virtual Conference this year. The conference is titled Bengaluru Summit 2020 (BTS 2020) and will be  held between 19th and 21 November. The theme of the summit is “Next Now”.

Honourable Prime Minister of India, Mr Narendra Modi would be inaugurating the Bengaluru Tech Summit 2020 set to open tomorrow.

FDPPI has taken a stall and interacting with the participants

The stall will display the activities of FDPPI and distribute material relevant to the activities.

Concurrently with the BTS 2020, FDPPI is also conducting Indian Data Protection Summit (IDPS 2020). This summit will also be virtual and will be available both on Zoom platform and on Youtube webcasting.

There will be six panel discussions covering different topics of interest.

Participation in the IDPS 2020 is free. Registrants on the FDPPI website has been sent the Zoom link. The sessions will be webcast on YouTube simultaneously.

The Link to Zoom sessions have already been distributed through the social media contacts of the members of FDPPI.

The webcast would be available in the Youtube Channel here:


The six sessions will be managed by experienced professionals and members of FDPPI.

Naavi would anchor the sessions.

The event is sponsored by Ujvala Consultants and Co-Sponsored by Redwood Learning and Sysman Computers.

CIO association of India is also supporting the event.

We wish public in large numbers attend the IDPS 2020 and make this event a success.




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Gearing up for the First Indian Data Protection Summit

For More information, visit

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Net4India issue… ICANN Support for Registrants

After a long struggle, the registrants of domain names in are getting resolution from the problem created out of the insolvency proceedings.

During the pendency of the insolvency proceedings the activities of Net4India had been suspended. As a result domain names could not be renewed and services related to the modification of services with Net4India both for domain name related changes and hosting related issues had got stuck. took up a fight against the problems of domain name registrants and first NIXI responded by making it possible for transfer of dot in domain names to other registrars. Now ICANN also has responded and has promised to provide  direct assistance to affected registrants.

Details are available here

It is our sincere belief that this incident has to be taken up as a lesson by ICANN and NIXI to find an automatic solution to such problems in future.

In particular,

a) Registrars of Domain Names and Hosting Service Providers should be considered as “Critical Service Providers” and cannot be allowed to shut shop without a proper notice and winding down of operations. The least that can be done by ICANN/NIXI is to allow transfer of domain names forcibly to other operative service providers.

b) While insolvency proceedings are initiated on such critical service providers, Company Law Tribunal as well as Courts should recognize that they cannot allow critical services to be stopped.

c) The Finance Ministry in consultation with the ICAI should evolve a method by which “Data” is brought into the financial accounting system through a “Contra Accounting Method” so that third party rights on the data donot go un noticed. thanks Mr Samiran Gupta, representative of ICANN in India for following up with the problem to get the clarification from ICANN.

More discussions may follow.


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