Search Results for: karnataka

Why Naavi thinks that Bitcoins should be banned in India?

Recently, I was posed a question from an aggrieved Bitcoin professional why I was such a strong critic of Bitcoins.  Several questions were posed to me in this regard. My strong views on Bitcoins has estranged me with many of … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law | 2 Comments

When Should Section 65B Certificate be produced?

Section 65B certificate has been discussed in detail in this website as well as the book by Naavi.  Now some queries have been raised on the recent Supreme Court judgement of 1st May 2019 in the case of “State of … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law | 1 Comment

Mumbai High Court raises the issue of Double Jeopardy

[Report in Hindustan Times, Mumbai Edition, 6th Nov 2018] An interesting judgement has been reported from Mumbai High Court yesterday (5th November 2018) in the case of  State of Maharashtra vs Gagan Varma and Shagun Varma which has tried to … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law | 2 Comments

Cyber Criminals disturb the Hornet’s Nest in Bengaluru by attacking the DGP

In an interesting cyber crime reported from Bangaluru, the DGP and Chief of Internal Security Division, Mr Ashit Mohan Prasad, IPS, was defrauded by Cyber Criminals to the extent of Rs 2 lakhs. This was a typical fraud in which … Continue reading

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Bengaluru as the Data Protection Capital of India

Naavi has been in the forefront of creating awareness of Cyber Laws in India. In 2005, Naavi had taken up a program called “Karnataka Cyber Laws Awareness Movement” under which several programs were undertaken in Karnataka. Now time has come … Continue reading

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Aadhaar Judgement….2.. The Answers and Conclusions of the majority

This is a continuation of the earlier article “Aadhaar Judgement..1..Debate the Areas where Clarity is Required” The Aadhaar judgement is said to be the second longest case in terms of continuous hearing next only to the Keshavananda Bharati case in … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law | 3 Comments