Search Results for: cyber appellate tribunal

Karnataka High Court delivers a favourable verdict for Axis Bank

P.S: Karnataka High Court has given a decision on 27th May 2013 in a writ petition filed by Axis Bank which has a huge implication on Cyber Crime victims in Karnataka and elsewhere in India. Hence in the general public … Continue reading

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PIL on Non Appointment of CAT Chairman

A Writ Petition (WP37477/2012) filed in Karnataka High Court regarding the non appointment of a Chair person for Cyber Appellate Tribunal will be coming up for hearing today. During the past several hearings, the Government advocate has been requesting time … Continue reading

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Drawing Attention of Media on this Karnataka High Court hearing

On 27th May 2013, an interesting writ petition is coming up before the Karnataka High Court (WP 21049/2013 at Court Hall No 9, #54). This petition has been filed by Axis Bank Ltd against the Adjudicator of Karnataka as the first respondent and Gujarat Petrosynthese Ltd as … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Crime, Cyber Law, ITA 2008, Netizen's Forum | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Modus Operandi of the Great E-Bank Robbery

The recent Banking Fraud where US $45 million (Rs 250 crores) were withdrawn in cash across 27 countries was a sensational international cyber crime that warrants a serious analysis by all Cyber Crime and Cyber Security experts. What is intriguing … Continue reading

Posted in Bank, Cyber Crime, ITA 2008, RBI | 1 Comment

CNN IBN highlights Problem on CAT

CNN IBN carried a program on 6th April 2013 on Cyber Crimes and issues on National Security etc in a half hour program based on interviews across different parts of the country. In particular it highlighted the issue of Bank … Continue reading

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One more aspect of ITA 2008 needs to be referred to Supreme Court

Presently two important petitions regading ITA 2008 are before the Supreme Court. The first petition Shreya Singhal v. Union of India has argued that Section 66A of the Act is unconstitutional and needs to be deleted. The second petition Dilipkumar Tulsidas Shah … Continue reading

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