Search Results for: Sec 66A

Aadhaar Judgement is welcome

The much awaited Aadhaar judgement has finally been delivered.  It was feared that there was a genuine possibility of Aadhaar being declared unconstitutional. Going by the way the Court reacted to the Section 66A of ITA 2008, and the harsh … Continue reading

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Surveillance and Monitoring are not the same

When the honourable Supreme Court considered the issue of Section 66A of ITA 2000/8 and ended up scrapping the section as being violative of the Indian Constitution, we had raised the objection to the decision on the ground that the … Continue reading

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Social Media Hub… Was the Supreme Court mislead by the political canvas

The Supreme Court is the ultimate hope for justice in India and deserves to be respected and supported. But in recent days, it appears that Supreme Court is spending a disproportionate share of  its time in resolving political issues and … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law | 1 Comment

Closure of case: Sharat Digumarti gets relief amidst Intriguing precedents created

The case which was one of the earliest criminal prosecutions to be launched under Information Technology Act 2000 appears to have finally completed its journey with the quashing of criminal prosecution against Mr Sharat Babu Digumarti. This case was … Continue reading

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S Ve Shekar and Forwarding of Social media Messages: Shreya Singhal Judgement over looked

I refer to the recent judgement from High Court of Madras which was quoted in the media with headlines such as “Forwarding social media posts equals endorsement, says Madras HC “. The judgement was in relation to an “Anticipatory Bail Application” … Continue reading

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Who is Bhusan of Kolkata Police? Why does he make Abusive calls?

Yesterday, a senior citizen of Bengaluru received an abusive call from a mobile number 9051660028 stating that he is from Kolkata Police and made some unfound allegations against the called person and threatened him with dire consequences. The True caller … Continue reading

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