Search Results for: 65B

Bombay High Court Rules on E Mail usage

On May 3rd 2019, a State Gazette Notification was released in Maharashtra regarding the use of Electronic Mail Services by the Bombay High Court. The notification No P.0703/Rule/BHC is called “Bombay High Court Service of Processes by Electronic Mail Services … Continue reading

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TDSAT confirms compensation for employee data theft

Complaints from an employer against an employee for data theft is a common occurrence in the corporate world particularly when the employee has exited the company and also started a competing business. In the current business environment where the corporate … Continue reading

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Sab ka Vishwas for the EVM and Election Process -Unfinished Agenda for Modi 2.0

During the final days running upto the 2019 elections, Congress and its Lutyen’s media created a controversy about EVMs that engaged the attention of the whole country including the Supreme Court. But for the resolve of the two of the … Continue reading

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VVPAT Issue is related to Cyber Laws

Naavi was the first person in India to have raised the need for making EVMs cyber law compliant. It was way back in 2001 when that Naavi first flagged the possibility of Hacking in Indian Elections.  It was pointed out … Continue reading

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Data Forensics is the new Approach to Cyber Forensics

Forensics is the art and science of discovering, collection, preservation and presentation of evidence to meet a legal requirement. We normally use the term “Cyber Forensics” to describe forensic activities related to information technology devices such as computers. Initially we … Continue reading

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The 18 year Journey Since the Digital Society was born in India

Information Technology Act 2000 (ITA 2000) was notified on 17th October 2000 and today is the 18th year after India legally recognized the Electronic Document as equivalent to Paper Document and Digital Signature as equivalent to physical signature leading to … Continue reading

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