Search Results for: intermediary guidelines

Data Governance Framework as it exists in India now

With the formation of an expert committee titled “Data Governance Framework Committee” Data Professionals in India are now wondering what is in store. Some of the questions that are in the minds of the Data Regulation Observers are Will this … Continue reading

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Aadhaar Linking of social media

Following the direction of the Supreme Court to the Center to file an affidavit on its measures to regulate social media and the discussions on whether Aadhaar can be linked to the Social media accounts, UIDAI has come out with … Continue reading

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Supreme Court directs Government to find a solution for Aadhaar Linking to Social Media

The ongoing controversy of “Preventing Fake News” has now taken an interesting turn with the Supreme Court directing the Government to file an affidavit within 3 weeks on how it proposes to link Aadhaar to the social media accounts as … Continue reading

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New Cyber Crime Act in the anvil?

Recently, Mr Amit Shah, the honourable Home Minister of India collected information from across the country on the amendments that are required to the law to effectively counter Cyber crimes. Information coming out of the ministry seems to suggest that … Continue reading

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The petition for Data Sovereignty

Mr Vinit Goenka, of the Center of Knowledge sovereignty has floated a petition on Data Sovereignty at The link to sign the petition can be found here: For immediate reference some of the salient features of the petition are … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law | 1 Comment

Improving the Cyber Crime Prevention, Detection, Investigation and Prosecution

As soon as the new BJP Government has taken over and Mr Amit Shah became the Home Minister, an effort is being launched to examine the improvements that are required to be made for better Cyber Crime control. Essentially, the … Continue reading

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