Search Results for: privacy

Indian Company causes HIPAA breach

An Indian contractor of a medical transcription company (M2ComSys) is said to have caused a breach of  PHI belonging to 32000 patients of US based Cogent healthcare leading to data breach notification by the US company. It is stated that … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law, HIPAA | 4 Comments

Cyber Crime Insurance getting attention

Naavi has been highlighting the need for Indian Banks to obtain Cyber Crime Insurance as suggested by RBI in 2001 and ensure that customers are spared from the phishing liabilities. However Banks have been generally reluctant under the ground that … Continue reading

Posted in Bank, Cyber Crime, Cyber Law, Information Assurance, RBI | Leave a comment

Cyber Surveillance in India

The public outcry on the US program “PRISM” under which US Government is said to be spying on Cyber Communication of individuals has naturally raised some attention on the Indian situation. Under ITA 2008 there are powers for the Government … Continue reading

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Charter of Demand on behalf of Netizens of Bangalore

Naavi has developed a charter of demand on behalf of the Netizens of Bangalore in the context of the forthcoming polls. Details are available at The essential part of the demand are: 1. Recognize the existence of Netizens as part … Continue reading

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E Business Failures

E Business is today part of every business. Managing E Business requires an assessment of E Business risks and managing them appropriately. As a person who was once in the Banking and Finance industry and engaged in project assessment for … Continue reading

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Mobile Apps Company fined $800,000

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) of USA has fined a two year old Mobile Apps manufacturing company “Path” a sum of US$ 800,000 for violating the privacy of US Citizens. In particular the Social Networking Apps manufacturer was charged with … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law, Information Assurance, TELCO | Leave a comment