Search Results for: privacy

Bitcoin miner bundled with other software

Malwarebytes has reported that in some of the softwares identified as Potentially Unwanted Programs (PUP) they have identified the presence of a Bitcoin miner. The program was identified initially in a process identified as jh1d.exe and a variant jh1c.exe and … Continue reading

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Bitcoin represents the third war between the digital society and the physical society

In order to increase the acceptability of Bitcoin for ecommerce purchases everywhere, a service has emerged where by an intermediary takes the responsibility of converting the buyer’s bitcoin payments to the legacy currency of the ecommerce site. Bitsumo  a company … Continue reading

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Bitcoin in Physical Form?

Bitcoin started as a Peer to peer virtual currency system. With Baidu (Google in China) starting to accept payments in Bitcoin, there is now an official patronage for the system from the Chinese Government. In a further bid to  provide … Continue reading

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Now Your TV acts like a Web page!

It has been reported that LG Smart TV is programmed to collect the viewing habits of the users and send it back to the servers of the Company so that the data can be used to configure customized ads for … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Crime, ITA 2008 | Leave a comment

Board Room Responsibility for Cyber Security

The undersigned has been highlighting the need for Directors of Companies and the CEO to take responsibility for Cyber Security in an organization. Section 85 of ITA 2008 as well as Section 79 has clearly laid out the need for … Continue reading

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HIPAA-US$1.2 m damage for not sanitizing photocopier hard disk

A HITECH Act violation by a health plan in New York resulted in a potential data breach of 344,579 individuals has resulted in the HHS imposition of penalty of Rs $1,215,780 as a settlement. The breach occurred when the Plan … Continue reading

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