Search Results for: privacy

Digital Society Day Initiatives from Naavi

Today is the 15th anniversary of the Digital Society Day which marked the beginning of the legal recognition of electronic documents in India. In order to mark the day, Naavi has been initiating new activities in different years basically to … Continue reading

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Safe harbor agreement struck down by EU Court..Is there an opportunity for India here?

In a development which has disturbed over 4500 companies in US doing business in EU region as data processors under the “Safe Harbor” agreement, the Court of Justice of the European Union has struck down the 15 year old agreement … Continue reading

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Are We Cyber Ready?.. Melissa Hathway Shares her concerns

Melissa Hathway, the Cyber Security expert from US was in Bangalore recently and addressed members of DSCI Bangalore Chapter at NLSUI on 1st October 2015.  Melissa was until recently working with US President Obama and was tipped to be appointed as … Continue reading

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Modi introduces the concept of “Personal Sector” beyond the Public and Private Sectors

The Digital India vision of Mr Modi has been making rounds in the tech circles in San Jose. During his interactions with the techies, it was notable to observe that Modi did mention about Privacy Protection, Cyber Security and Intellectual … Continue reading

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Encryption is the Key to Information Security

The recent faux pas committed by the Department of IT, Government of India in publishing a half-baked policy as the “Draft National Encryption Policy” created a needless controversy on the topic of “Encryption Policy” itself and whether it was required or … Continue reading

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Volkswagen fraud opens up debate on source code secrecy, audit and compliance issues

Information Security auditors are some times required to conduct a “Software Source Code audit” to find out if the software is reliable and does not have any malicious codes embedded there in which may violate the privacy of the user … Continue reading

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