Be a Certified Global Privacy and Data Protection Professional

Cyber Law College as a division of Ujvala Consultants Private Limited will launch a comprehensive Certification program covering Data Protection Laws of India, Data Protection Laws of the world (GDPR, CCPA, Singapore PDPA, Dubai DIFC DPL, Brazil LGPD) and Data Audit skills  including Data Trust Score mechanism under PDPSI. (Personal Data Protection Standard of India)..

The Certification is being provided under the FDPPI-DNV co-branded services.

The program details are as follows:

Session Duration Topic
1-4 12 hours PDPA
5-6 6 hours GDPR
7-10 9 hours HIPAA, DIFC DPL,Singapore PDPA, CCPA, Brazil LGPD
11-14 9 hours Principles of Audit, Planning and managing an Audit,Data Audit under PDPA

The 36 hour online program will be conducted at week ends on Saturdays and Sundays for 3 hours on each day starting from 10.00 am. The tentative date of starting would be 19th June 2021.

The total fee for the course would be Rs 40,000/-. Members of FDPPI and Sponsored Auditors of DNV will get appropriate discounts. Those who have already completed the certification of any of the modules Module I, G or A will be given corresponding discounts.

The discounted registrations will close by May 31st 2021 and all registrations will close by 10th June 2021.

For further clarifications, kindly contact Naavi over e-mail.

Payment can be made using the following link.

However, kindly send an e-mail indicating the payment details along with the details of your name, address, contact e-mail, contact mobile number, and your designation so that we can reconcile the payments. Those of you who want a separate receipt for accounting purpose may kindly request for the same.



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CEAC starts “Will Repository service” for Digital Assets

In continuation of the concerns that has expressed regarding the need to recognize and document the transfer of digital assets of deceased data principals, Cyber Evidence Archival Center (CEAC) which is a division of Ujvala Consultants Private Limited has started with immediate effect a “Repository Service for written instructions regarding disposal of digital assets on the death of a data principal”.

It is to be noted that in India, “Will in electronic form” is not recognized. Any instruction that relates to an action to be undertaken on the death of a person will have the character of a testamentary statement and hence cannot be expressed in the form of digital documents such as e-mails.

At the same time, a proper will needs to be witnessed and registered. It needs to contain some basic information. There are many websites from which a format of will can be obtained.

This repository service is meant for people who want to state their digital holdings and ensure that they can be claimed by the legal heirs. At FDPPI we are working on some suggestions to be given to the Government and we hope in due course Government may introduce a valid system of nomination of digital assets.  However the increasing number of deaths caused by Covid indicate that we need a service as envisaged immediately.

Under the process, CEAC will receive paper based instructions written in own handwriting (Not type written) indicating the name and address of the person along with the details of the digital assets such as (E Mail account, Facebook account, etc), through a sealed cover sent through registered post (With acknowledgement and also confirmation over e-mail) with a marking indicating “For Digital Asset  Disposal Repository”. The cover would not be opened and would be deposited in a Bank locker.

The deposit will be charged a fee. Current proposed fee is Rs 500/- per deposit and needs to be renewed annually.

The retrieval will be subject to the process suggested under CLCC  which is subject to fine tuning and will also be charged. At the time of retrieval, the cover would be opened in front of the claimant and a legal representative of the claimant and information contained there in would be provided so that further legal process of adding the digital assets in the succession certificate application can be made.  The retrieval charge proposed now is Rs 1000/-

CEAC would not be responsible for the instructions not being considered as a valid will.

This is a service which would be in operation until a more formal arrangement may evolve with changes in law.

At present CEAC reserves the right to stop the service completely any time after 2 years.

More details can be obtained by sending an e-mail to


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Loss of Mr Neeraj Arora…

It was a shocking news to receive today that our friend and a Cyber Law expert Mr Neeraj Arora is no more. It appears that he had recently recovered from Covid but succumbed to cardiac arrest.

Mr Neeraj Arora was a specialist in Electronic evidence with his understanding of the law and also the practices in the law enforcement. He was also an excellent presenter and contributed to the growth of Cyber jurisprudence in respect of Section 65B.

He was one of the lawyers whom people in Delhi were afraid of while presenting Electronic evidence as he was one of the few persons who could trouble witnesses in cross examination.

His Linked in profile contained the following description.

“Mr. Neeraj Aarora is a practicing advocate, an arbitrator and a computer forensic expert.
He is AOR in Supreme court & Public Prosecutor with NIA and also on the panel of Controller of Certifying Authorities, Ministry of Information Technologies, Govt. of India.
He also being a technocrat, has developed strong dominion over Cyber, Law & Finance domains and has unique ability to integrate Bit & Byte, Debit & Credit with Law. His exposure as Defence Lawyer, Special Public Prosecutor, Law Enforcement Officer and Arbitrator give him an edge to appraise any case from all the perspectives.
He is law graduate from DU, a Fellow Member of ICAI and Certified Fraud Examiner from ACFE (USA). He has done PG Diploma in ADR, Cyber Law and Drafting of Legislation, Treaties, International Agreement & Contracts from Indian Law Institute, New Delhi. In technology domain, he has done PGD(Cyber Law), CEH, CHFI, CISA, CISSP & MBA (IT) apart from various other certifications on emerging technologies. He is also Certified Forensic Computer Expert from IACIS, a certification approved by Forensic Specialties Board (USA). He is also International Coach on computer forensic with International Association of Computer Investigative Specialist (IACIS), U.S.
He is the Managing Partner of his Techno Legal Firm, Hazen Legal Associates which is specialized into Criminal Law, Cyber Law, Digital Evidence, Privacy and other compliances under IT Act, 2000. His specialise to handle techno-legal issue in Courts primarily relating to Computer Forensics, Audio-video Evidences, Block-chain, AI, Machine Learning, Privacy, Robotics, Big-data, Drones, Data Protection etc.
Mr. Aarora is a visiting faculty on these techno-legal issues with Indian Law Institute, National Judicial Academy, National Law University, National Police Academy, Judicial Academies, NICFS, CBI, ISACA, ISC2 and various other institutes of repute.
He is also an Arbitrator & Member of Appellate Arbitral Tribunals at National & International Level. He has successfully handled more that 600 matters in mediation & given 300 awards as an Arbitrator & Member of Appellete Arbitral Tribunal and presided as Presiding Arbitrator in more than 50 cases.
Mr. Arora is the President of Cyber Research & Innovation Society which has been promoted by Mr. Aarora to promote the research & innovation on these techno-legal domains by bringing technocrat, legal professionals, researchers & users on one platform to develop the methodologies & remedies for safer use of these technologies by common man, stake-holders, industry & society at large.

I was privileged to have his voluntary endorsement on my Linked in profile.

The last time we came across in the physical world was at NLSUI, Bangalore during a seminar in which both of us were speakers. I have lost a professional friend and his sudden demise is a loss to the field of Cyber Law.

Mr Neeraj Arora will be remembered through many of his videos which will remain in YouTube. Our heartfelt condolences are with his family.

I was working on the policies to be adopted by Data Fiduciaries to protect the data assets of a deceased data principal. It is time to dedicate the draft policy which is available  here in the CCLC (Cyber Law Compliance center) to his memory.





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FDPPI and DNV to offer Co-Branded services

FDPPI is the leading organization in India focusing on development of systems and best practices  for “Privacy and Personal Data Compliance Management System” (PDP-CMS) and DNV is one of the oldest Management Certification organizations in the world.

The two organizations have come together in a collaboration that offers to the Indian industry co-branded services for building a Privacy and Data Protection Culture in the country and prepare the industry and professionals for the forthcoming Personal Data Protection Act in India through

a) FDPPI-DNV Certification program for Data Protection Professionals

b) FDPPI-DNV Certification of organizations for implementation of  for PDP-CMS (Personal data protection compliance management system)

c) FDPPI-DNV  DTS (Data Trust Score) evaluation

Mr Rajeev Panicker, head ICT business vertical for  Det Norske Veritas GL for India & Middle East Region. (DNV) addressed the FDPPI members on 12th May 2021, during the Jnaana Vardhini session and highlighted the essence of the collaboration between FDPPI and DNV.

Recognizing the value of the complimentary nature of the activities of the two organizations FDPPI and DNV have decided to make co-branded offers for the benefit of the community.

Accordingly, both organizations will offer services of each other to their clients and also execute projects by sharing their resources.

FDPPI has about 37 supporting members of which several members represent organizations which provide their services through revenue sharing arrangements with FDPPI. All of them will now be able to expand their services portfolio with the addition of the FDPPI-DNV co-branded services.

The arrangement is expected to expand the reach of both organizations and benefit the community at large.


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Net 4 India.. Further progress

We are happy to announce that the difficulties of Net4India Customers who had lost control of their domain names, e-mail accounts, hosting facilities etc because the NCLT committed the blunder of not recognizing the existence of a continued business and the interest of the customers and blindly went ahead to declare Net4India as insolvent and freeze its operations may be coming to an end.

While the systemic changes required to be brought in to ensure that such incidents donot recur will continue to be followed up with the MeitY, I am glad to know that ICANN has completed the process of selecting a registrar who would take over the current business of Net4India. Ltd.

Full details of the process is available here. 

As per the announcement, PDR Ltd, (Public Domain Registry) has been designated as the organization to which the Net4India registrations would be transferred.

ICANN anticipates PDR will begin contacting registrants with information on how to access and manage their domain name registrations by early next week.

Once completed, the ICANN-approved bulk transfer will result in the migration of all gTLD registrations from Net 4 India to PDR. There is no charge to registrants for this bulk transfer, and no AuthInfo codes are required for this process.

Once the transfers happen, we suppose that it would be the discretion of the registrants to either continue with PDR or transfer the domains to their preferred domain registrars. Since PDR will be expensive compared to other registrars, we suppose most of the registrants would  look forward to transfer the domains to alternate domain registrars.

We need to wait and see how this proceeds further.

In the process of this appointment of PDR as the registrar, ICANN has ordered an automatic data transfer across the borders for which there is no consent. Also this is likely to transfer the continuing business potential of the customers who were wronged by NCLT to a foreign registrar. MeitY by not intervening in the process has caused the erosion of foreign exchange and cross border data transfer, which need to be corrected.

It is presumed that NCLT must have approved the scheme. If so, we need to again point out the lapse on the part of NCLT not to have recognized the need to get the business transferred to an Indian registrar.


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PDPSI framework to incorporate measures for treatment of Personal Data of Deceased Data Principals

We had earlier discussed certain issues concerning handling of personal data after the death of the data principal in our article titled “Digital Assets of the Deceased…Need for a legislative Change”.

Some views were also expressed through the following webinar in the FDPPI’s Jnaana Vardhini Series.

Following this webinar, FDPPI has set up a task force to develop a recommendatory white paper on the handling of Personal data of deceased data principals under the PDPB 2019 which will come up for further discussion in the Parliament during the next session. The task force recommendation would be taken up with FDPPI’s PDP Advisory Board for developing a broader policy at the national level. Also FDPPI’s PDP Code Committee will develop the code of practice for Data Fiduciaries to develop the policy document applicable for Data Fiduciaries on handling the personal data of the deceased customers.

The problem of determining how to handle personal data of deceased persons has many complications. Personal Data is often the key to access data lying with a Data service provider (Eg: E Mail service provider or a hosting company). The data lying within the account space of a service provider can be identified as an intellectual property coming under  “Copyright”. A software code developed by an individual may have copyright and also patent rights. In such cases the “Property character” of the data is well established and what is required is a “Claim Process” to enable the legal heirs to inherit the rights on the intellectual property.

However, “Personal Data” which includes the “Password” used for accessing the account is not clearly recognized as a “Property” and the right on individually identifiable data elements required as a password or to re-set the password cannot be assigned like the ownership of a “Intellectual Property”. In order to ease the claim process for settlement of a deceased person’s data property, if we start recognizing personal data as “Property” then during the life time of the data principal, we must agree for alienation of the personal data as a property.

In the “Non Personal Data” scenario, it is possible to recognize data as an alienable property and a “Sale” or “Licensing” or “Assignment” can be recognized as a means of transferring the property. But in the case of “Personal Data” Indian PDPB and GDPR may prefer to avoid the term “Sale” and use only “Assignment of Rights” as a means of transfer of any beneficial interest.

The Singapore PDPA which has extended the rights under the PDPA-2012 (Sg) to the personal information of deceased persons for 10 years or the HIPAA which has extended certain obligations of the covered entity to protect the EPHI for 50 years have looked at the “Personal Data of the deceased persons” as a “Commodity”. Though “Rights of Privacy” have no significance after death even under these laws, the laws expect “Protection” including non-disclosure to unauthorized person to continue for the state time period.

It is only in CCPA that the prospect of “Personal Data” being capable of being “Sold” has been discussed without any reservations.

Though Indian law has not spoken of “Transfer of Personal Data” from one person to another, the concept of “Consent Manager” used in the Act indicate that a Data Principal can transfer the right to “give consent” or “withdraw consent” to the consent manager. Just as the collection of personal data from a data principal to a data fiduciary is supported by a “Consent” in accordance with the Indian contract Act, the provision of the right to “Give or withdraw consent” is given by the Data Principal based on the “Consent to appoint a Consent Manager”.

Unfortunately the “Consent” which is a “Contract” does not survive the death of the Data Principal and hence on receipt of the knowledge of death of the consent giver, the data fiduciary should freeze the transactions in the account. Where the basis for collection and processing was not consent (say in GDPR) then, there would be a “Legitimate Interest” which survives the death of the data principal.

Hence the legal basis of collection and processing can have an impact on the right of the data fiduciary to continue processing of a deceased data principal’s personal data.

One solution which would have resolved this issue was to have introduced a “Nomination” facility for “Personal Data”. This has to be done with a new statutory provision and perhaps the PDPB 2019 itself is an opportunity to introduce the provision of “Nomination”.

In case the JPC has not suggested any provision in this regard, this can be introduced as an additional amendment when the Bill is introduced in the Parliament. This requires introduction of a definition of “Nomination of Personal Data” in Section 3 and also an additional sub section under Section 14 ( Processing of personal data for other reasonable purposes”.

The detailed procedures under this clause may include

a) Sending an annual confirmation request (similar to balance confirmation in Bank overdraft accounts) for validating the privacy policy.

b) If no reply is received to the confirmation request, sending a second request with a notice that the account would be de-activated and tagged as “Dormant” after a period of say 6 months

c) If no reply is received, for 6 months, sending a final notice and transferring the account along with the personal data to an arvhive.

d) If no re-activation request is received for 2 years ( Or say 6 years as in the case of  HIPAA), transferring the personal data and the data lying in the account to a Government Repository, which can be created by the DPA itself, by adding a new function of DPA under Section 49(2).

The PDPSI framework will be immediately incorporating this suggestion as a recommended implementation specification within Implementation Specification (IS17) on Notice and Consent form, and related implementation specifications such as Classification (IS 33),  Access Control (IS 36), Data Storage and Security (IS 37), Data Destruction (IS 43) etc.

In the absence of the available guidance from the DPA and the PDPB 2019, PDPSI will incorporate some controls which may be modified after the PDPB 2019 becomes a law.

PDPSI will therefore be the first framework for PDP-CMS which would address this contentious issue as a part of the compliance.




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