Search Results for: cheque

Message sent to Payment and Settlement Department RBI through the website

The payment settlement department has authored the E Banking promotion policy reflected in the discussion paper on disincentivisation of cheque usage. I would like to state that this is a promotion of commercial banking business rather than technology enablement and … Continue reading

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Digital Divide threatens Indian Banking

The move from RBI to aggressively promote E Banking even in the light of repeated assertions that the E Banking risks are beyond tolerance levels and to actively discourage use of cheques and cash in Banking is likely to be … Continue reading

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RBI has been taken over by hawks

RBI has traditionally been known as consumer friendly. Top executives of RBI have always upheld the interest of common man in devising their policies. This was seen through out the days when technology made inroads to Banking. The SR Mittal … Continue reading

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Why RBI is wrong

The RBI discussion paper on disincentivisation of the use of cheques is very disturbing. The objective of the discussion paper is to get public response on the points raised in the discussion paper or rather get a public endorsement on the … Continue reading

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RBI is recommending unreasonable and Usurious charges for customers

I draw the attention of the Governor of RBI  to the latest discussion paper released by RBI for disincentivising the use of cheques. If we go through some of the suggestions it appears that RBI has simply gone crazy. It … Continue reading

Posted in Bank, Cyber Crime, ITA 2008 | Leave a comment

RBI out to openly violate laws of banking

Section 5(b) of the Banking regulation act of India defines “Banking” as follows: “banking” means the accepting, for the purpose of lending or investment, of deposits of money from the public, repayable on demand or otherwise, and withdrawal by cheque, … Continue reading

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