Search Results for: adjudicator

Umashankar Judgement upheld by TDSAT

S Umashankar Vs ICICI Bank was a historic adjudication decision of the Adjudicator of Tamil Nadu in decided in 2010 (Complaint filed in 2008). The award had held ICICI Bank liable to pay compensation to the customer because the Bank … Continue reading

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Mumbai High Court raises the issue of Double Jeopardy

[Report in Hindustan Times, Mumbai Edition, 6th Nov 2018] An interesting judgement has been reported from Mumbai High Court yesterday (5th November 2018) in the case of  State of Maharashtra vs Gagan Varma and Shagun Varma which has tried to … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law | 2 Comments

A Suspected fraud in the names of Dr Jitendra Singh and the President of India… Who Cares?

Last week, a whistle blower brought to my attention that a certain document was in circulation stating a) An Organization by name Anti Corruption and Anti Crime wing of India operating from Delhi and Chennai for which Former Chief Justice … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law | 1 Comment

Will TDSAT render justice to Cyber Crime Victims?… I seek some answers

Cyber Crime victims in India have been waiting for a long time for the re-activation of Cyber Appellate Tribunal (CYAT) which became dysfunctional on 30th June 2011 during the UPA II regime and never came back to life even after … Continue reading

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Cyber Appellate Tribunal back in action through TDSAT

Information technology Act 2000 (ITA 2000) had an ambitious thought of expediting justice in respect of civil disputes arising out of any contravention of ITA 2000. Accordingly it gave powers to Adjudicators to adjudicate on any claim (Upto Rs 5 … Continue reading

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Are Privacy Laws Getting bigger than Cyber Crime Laws?.. Is Profiteering replacing deterrence principle in law making?

GDPR has changed the landscape of Cyber Laws by redefining the priorities of Cyber Laws. So far the concern of the society was mostly on “Preventing Damage to a Citizen” through Cyber Crime laws. This was achieved by defining certain actions … Continue reading

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