Search Results for: Theory of data

Pentagon model of TISM.. An important approach to PDPSI implementation

[In continuation of the earlier article/s on PDPSI, we proceed to unravel the further details of  the Personal Data Protection Standard of India (PDPSI). The objective of the standard is to make available a open source guideline to Indian Companies … Continue reading

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Johari Window… and the Story of the Emperor’s New Clothes… Perhaps the Supreme Court should take a lesson about

“Johari Window” is a well known principle used by behavioural scientists and known to most of the Corporate managers. The recent happenings in the Supreme Court of India indicate that the Judges who head constitutional benches need to be given … Continue reading

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It is Y2K moment again in India, with Virtual Aadhaar ID

It appears as if the Anti Aadhaar lobby in India has just been outsmarted by the UIDAI with its proposition of the “Virtual Aadhaar ID” as a response to the many complaints about the leakage of Aadhaar information. The Supreme … Continue reading

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Tomorrow is Digital Society Day of India: Let’s Resolve to Improve the Cyber Crime Complaint Management System in India

17th October is an important date for the Digital India. It was on this day in 2000, that India notified the Information Technology Act 2000 and brought for the first time, Legal Recognition for binary expressions or electronic documents. As … Continue reading

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TRAI Consultation Paper on Privacy

TRAI has released a consultation paper on Privacy for comments from Stake holders. A Copy of the Consultation paper is available here:  Comments from stake holders have been invited by 8th September 2017 and counter comments can be submitted by … Continue reading

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UIDAI should introduce a Bug Bounty Program forthwith.. if it is serious of security

“Security is going to be a  Concern” for Aadhar says  Mr Nandan Nilekani, the architect of the system. Though it has always been a concern for most of the Information Security observers, it is good that now persons close to … Continue reading

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