All India DPDPA Awareness Movement

Naavi has in the past taken up Cyber Law Awareness outreach programs on a mission mode through Karnataka under the Karnataka Cyber Law Awareness Movement. Under this program, Naavi and Cyber Law College conducted courses in Cyber Law across the State of Karnataka and was the early injection of Cyber Law knowledge with the professionals as well as the students. At that time the program was centred around Information Technology Act 2000. (ITA 2000)

The industry was however not interested much in ITA 2000 and hence the movement was limited to Law Students, Law Colleges and Advocates. It was a successful program which later partially spread across the country. Naavi conducted hundreds of trainings under this program to all sections of the society.

A time has now come to repeat a similar exercise in the field of DPDPA. As the Data Protection Act DPDPA 2023 is set to be notified shortly, there will be a need to spread the awareness of DPDPA 2023 across colleges as well as companies.

The All India DPDPA Awareness Movement is therefore conceived to take the knowledge of DPDPA 2023 across the country through multiple channels including Certification Programs conducted under the banner of FDPPI as well as other activities on social media and through academic partnerships.

The objective of this program is

a) Make public aware of the concept of Data Privacy and how to make use of the provisions of DPDPA 2023.

b) Make Law Students and Law Faculty aware of the concept of Data Privacy and how Data Protection is related to Data Privacy.

c) Make companies aware of the impact of DPDPA on their operations from the level of Directors to CxOs to DPO aspirants and the general workforce.

This is in addition to the professional skill development programs that may be conducted with FDPPI in different forms.

Watch out for activities starting in June 2024 in this regard.


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A Mass DPDPA training Campaign to start

As the D-Day for publication of rules for DPDPA 2023 is approaching, Naavi/Cyber law college and FDPPI has decided to run a special awareness building program on DPDPA 2023, Global Data Protection Laws and Certified DPO and Data Auditor.

The objective of this campaign is to ensure that we reach out to a large number of professionals aspiring to learn about DPDPA 2023 as a law and prepare themselves to be the next generation professionals such as DPOs in India and Data Auditors.

Over the next few months, there will be several in house physical training programs which will be customised to the requirements of different organizations which will be separately priced. This new campaign is meant for the “Virtual Online Sessions” based on recorded videos and pre-arranged real-time mentor sessions online.

Watch out for details.


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EU AI At adopted by the EU Council

On May 21, 2024, the EU AI Act was given the final approval of the council of EU and is set to be published in the official journal. It will enter into force on the 20th day after publication and will be generally effective after 24 months.

We had started discussing the different provisions of the EU-AI act in these columns which will be continued.

Some of the articles already published are

1.March 17, 2024: The EU Act on Artificial Intelligence

2.April 3, 2024: Impact of EU AI act on India

3. 4th April 2024: Defining of AI: DGPSI approach

4. 5th April 2024: Applicability and Non Applicability of EU-AI Act

5. 6th April 2024: Classification of AI under EU AI act

6. 6th April 2024: “Conformity Assessment” under EU-AI act

7.7th April 2024: Classification of AI under EU AI act

8. 8th April 2024: Intersection point for EU AI Act and DGPSI: AI-DTS

9. 10th April 2024: Generative AI and EU AI Act

The discussions will continue.


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Fraud by 9900880457: “Your phone will be deactivated”

For some time now a fraud is being attempted by some automated calls made from different numbers stating….” Calling from Telecom department …All your phones will be deactivated within 2 hours. Press 9 for more information” etc…

It is obvious that this is a fraud. However such frauds occur because telecom companies donot take preventive action and police donot come in except after some body who has lost money complains.

Just now I received such a call from the number 9900880457. Earlier such calls have come from other numbers also.

I want people to be careful about such calls. If possible the above mobile number (which may be fake) be traced.


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“B2B-DTS” for DPDPA compliance tailored to Manufacturing industries

Yesterday we had an interaction with a large group of CIOs in Coimbatore and discussed the DGPSI framework as a solution to DPDPA compliance.

As a part of the discussion, a need has emerged for considering the manufacturing industries with only B2B services as a separate category/sector for which DPDPA compliance has to be specifically designed.

The DGPSI framework already has one simpler version called DGGPSI Lite with 36 implementation specifications and DGPSI Full with 50 implementation specifications.

Both frameworks are applicable across different sectors including manufacturing sector. DGPSI full version also addresses some Data Governance issues while DGPSI Lite is limited to DPDPA compliance.

While implementing these frameworks for manufacturing industries, the fact that their exposure to personal data processing is limited to employees is already factored in. In case the manufacturing industry has retail stores or e-commerce websites, their exposure to DPDPA 2023 increases.

However there are many industries who donot have e-commerce and donot have retail sales and hence their encounters with personal data is limited to employees, current, prospective and past.

Considering these restricted exposure of B2B companies, the DPDPA Gap assessment as well as implementation has been simplified leading to an assessment which is named “B2B-DTS”.

Hopefully this will enable a large number of eligible industries of this category meet the compliance certification quickly without the rigorous requirements of a company which has personal data collections on a large scale from consumers.

Companies interested in such assessments may contact Naavi/Ujvala Consultants Pvt Ltd for more information.


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International information Security conference at Bangalore

On June 28, 2024, Bsides Bangalore is conducting its “Security Bsides Bangalore 2024” a premier cyber security conference in India, at Marriott, Whitefield, Bangalore.


On June 28, 2024, Bsides Bangalore is conducting its “Security Bsides Bangalore 2024” a premier cyber security conference in India, at Marriott, Whitefield, Bangalore.

On June 28, 2024, Bsides Bangalore is conducting its “Security Bsides Bangalore 2024” a premier cyber security conference in India, at Marriott, Whitefield, Bangalore.

On June 28, 2024, Bsides Bangalore is conducting its “Security Bsides Bangalore 2024” a premier cyber security conference in India, at Marriott, Whitefield, Bangalore.

On June 28, 2024, Bsides Bangalore is conducting its “Security Bsides Bangalore 2024” a premier cyber security conference in India, at Marriott, Whitefield, Bangalore.

On June 28, 2024, Bsides Bangalore is conducting its “Security Bsides Bangalore 2024” a premier cyber security conference in India, at Marriott, Whitefield, Bangalore.

On June 28, 2024, Bsides Bangalore is conducting its “Security Bsides Bangalore 2024” a premier cyber security conference in India, at Marriott, Whitefield, Bangalore.

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