Search Results for: insurance

Air India Personal Data Breach.. The value for disinvestment might have increased !

Air India has made an announcement that it’s Passenger Service System was attacked and personal data of about 45 lakh data subjects have been compromised. The leaked data elements include Name, Data of Birth, Contact Information, Passport information, ticket information, … Continue reading

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MobiKwick Data Breach

MobiKwik is said to be India’s No 2 player in the mobile wallet space in India and amongst the 3 players in the payment gateway industry. It has a network of over 3 million direct merchants and 140+ billers and … Continue reading

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WhatsApp relegates India to the Third World of Privacy Regulation

The revision of WhatsApp Privacy Policy and Terms has brought to light why an organization which is working in a multinational environment need adopt the approach taken by PDPSI (Personal Data Protection Standard of India)  for compliance. The first thing … Continue reading

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NDHM is a trend setter… Get Started early on the Privacy Protection Journey

(This is in continuation of the earlier article on NDHM) The National Digital Health Mission (NDHM) is an ambitious project of the Government of India for providing a nation wide health care system and makes comprehensive use of technology. Since … Continue reading

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Software and Business Method Patent in India is possible

Software companies in India have been trying to get the Indian Patent law changed to allow patents for Computer Software and Business Methods. Such patents are available in USA but were so far considered not patentable in India because Indian … Continue reading

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WhatsApp Pay : A Master Circular required from RBI

WhatsApp has been in news as a messaging Company providing End to end encrypted messaging services in the past, introducing vanishing messages etc. As a messaging company it had its share of controversies involving spread of fake messages and mobilization … Continue reading

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