Search Results for: bank fraud

Complaint to be filed against State Bank of India Aizwal Branch and IIT Powai Branch

It was brought to my attention yesterday that an IT professional in Bangalore had ordered a Mac Air Book online and made payments to two individuals having accounts in SBI Aizwal and SBI , IIT Powai branches. It appears from the … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law | 1 Comment

It is not Banks but the Customers who have lost Rs 88,553 an hour…

Times of India carried a report today headlined ‘Banks lost Rs 88553 an hour to Cybercrime in last 3 years”. According to the report, the total money lost from April 1, 2014 to June 30, 2017 due to Cyber Crime … Continue reading

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“Zero Liability for E Banking”… Let there be competitive compliance drive.. to join the Hall of Fame

A Bold Initiative by RBI Just as our PM Mr Modi bit the bullet by demonetizing the Rs 500/1000 notes despite the stiff resistance from many, RBI has bit the bullet in issuing the Zero Liability guideline on E Banking … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law | 2 Comments

Banks want their negligence to be underwritten by the Customers. Do you agree Mr Urjit Patel?

Yesterday, I highlighted the plight of a customer of State Bank of India Musiri branch in Tamil Nadu who lost Rs 49773/- through a fraud. We can recall here the decision of the Adjudicator of Tamil Nadu in the case of … Continue reading

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Calling attention of Branch Manager, State Bank of India, Musiri Branch, Tamil Nadu

This is an open letter to The Manager, State Bank of India, Musiri Branch, Tiruchirapalli Branch, Tamil Nadu. Dear Sir I am informed that on June 7th 2017, 5 fraudulent withdrawals have been made from one of the customer’s of … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law | 2 Comments

Data Processors in India should avoid entering into unenforceable contracts which may be termed “Fraudulent”

Globalization of Indian IT business has created many challenges to the Indian economy as a whole and in particular to certain domain specific regulators. One such regulator who finds himself frequently under a bind is RBI while regulating the Foreign … Continue reading

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