Search Results for: adjudicator

ICICI Bank claims immunity from Cyber Crimes

ICICI bank which has been a leading Bank in India adopting to innovative Cyber Banking in India is also in the forefront of incidents in which customers have lost money because of the negligent manner in which security of the … Continue reading

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TDSAT confirms compensation for employee data theft

Complaints from an employer against an employee for data theft is a common occurrence in the corporate world particularly when the employee has exited the company and also started a competing business. In the current business environment where the corporate … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law | 2 Comments

Is Adjudication up for Sale in India Mart

Today I stumbled upon a very interesting product/Service for sale in India Mart which raised some concerns about the judiciary in India. We do some times talk of “Corruption in Judiciary” but for a moment I wondered whether it has … Continue reading

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Criticality of the Grievance Redressal Mechanism in PDPSI

[In continuation of the earlier article/s on PDPSI, we proceed to unravel the further details of  the Personal Data Protection Standard of India (PDPSI). The objective of the standard is to make available a open source guideline to Indian Companies … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law | 3 Comments

Aadhaar Revisited

The ordinance promulgated by the government on March 2, 2019, has once again brought the focus back on the use of Aadhaar and a possible challenge to it in the Supreme Court. Aadhaar has become an “Instrument of Identity” similar … Continue reading

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Intermediary Dispute Resolution Policy … A Solution for most concerns

In providing comments on the proposed Intermediary guidelines, the undersigned suggested a new system of Governance of Intermediaries through the comments submitted by FDPPI. The suggestion was made that a new system of dispute resolution on the lines of the … Continue reading

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