Search Results for: section 66A

Why Pull Up Central Government when the mistake lies with the State Governments?

The Supreme Court of India is hearing a petition filed by the Internet Freedom Foundation on an allegation that 22 people have been arrested under Section 66A of ITA 2000/8 which has been scrapped by the Supreme Court in the … Continue reading

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Shreya Singhal back again!

The last time Ms Sherya Singhal approached the honourable Supreme Court with a PIL to squash Section 66A of ITA 2000/8, she was successful. The Supreme Court obliged her petition and scrapped Section 66A of the Act. In the process, … Continue reading

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New Intermediary Guidelines… Legitimate and Well within the rights of the Government

[This is in continuation of the Previous Article] Some times “Experts” also go wrong. Particularly when they look at every Government notification with the colored glasses borrowed from the Political opponents. Today’s Economic Times highlights  “Plan to tweak IT rules … Continue reading

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Intermediary Guidelines.. Who is and who is not an intermediary?

The following are the comments from on the proposed modified rules under Section 79 of ITA 2000/8 released for public comments on 24th December 2018. After the passage of amendments to ITA 2000 in December 2008, which was notified … Continue reading

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Aadhaar Judgement is welcome

The much awaited Aadhaar judgement has finally been delivered.  It was feared that there was a genuine possibility of Aadhaar being declared unconstitutional. Going by the way the Court reacted to the Section 66A of ITA 2008, and the harsh … Continue reading

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Surveillance and Monitoring are not the same

When the honourable Supreme Court considered the issue of Section 66A of ITA 2000/8 and ended up scrapping the section as being violative of the Indian Constitution, we had raised the objection to the decision on the ground that the … Continue reading

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