Search Results for: limited liability

No Protection for Intermediaries under Section 79 prior to 2009

The Supreme court of India made a fine distinction between Section 79 of ITA 2000 as it existed  before the amendment on 27th October 2009 and earlier. In an appeal from Google contending that it cannot be made liable for … Continue reading

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A2H … Is this a new Insurance Fraud?

Today, I have received a new proposal on phone from a person representing A2H health services stating that he is speaking on behalf of Citi Bank and extending the service I am presently using with them. The details of the … Continue reading

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Data Laundering it covered under PDPA?

In continuation of our discussions of yesterday regarding TransUnion CIBIL, further thoughts on the data protection regulatory aspects are being discussed below to draw the attention of RBI, CERT In, MeiTy, Ministry of Commerce etc. Data Protection laws try to … Continue reading

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Copy of the IMC report on Crypto currencies

Here is a copy of the report by the Inter ministerial committee on Crypto currencies. Copy The report contains the copy of the bill proposed to be introduced for banning Crypto currencies in India. According to the Bill, 1.No person … Continue reading

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PDPA Compliance for Data Anaytics and AI industries

PDPA or the Personal Data Protection Act which is being introduced in the Parliament during the current session will be a landmark legislation in India. Presently PDPA is in draft Bill stage and it may become a law during this … Continue reading

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Information Security Headache for PPI Issuers

The Payment Instruments industry which consists of many of the mobile wallet operators have raised objection to the recent Master Guidelines issue by RBI on several counts such as a) KYC requirement made more or less mandatory for all Semi … Continue reading

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