Search Results for: intermediary guidelines

Twitter wants a regime change in India… How long will the Government wait to act? has been flagging the Twitter Controversy as a “War Against India”.  Twitter is confirming this more and more by their actions. Recently removing the verifiability tick of Vice President of India as also many functionaries of RSS is a … Continue reading

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Compliance complications for small digital media after May 26th 2021

Over the last few days, developments regarding Cyber Law in India have overwhelmed most of us and left us engaged full time on following the developments. In these discussions the future role of digital media is being re-defined and consequently  … Continue reading

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Court has to nip this foreign media revolt against the Indian Government in the bud

(Also refer the previous article: WhatsApp petition deserves to be rejected at the admission stage itself) The case filed by WhatsApp in the Delhi High Court challenging the validity of the Intermediary guidelines issued on February 25, 2021, indicates that … Continue reading

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WhatsApp petition deserves to be rejected at admission stage itself.

WhatsApp has filed a petition in the Delhi High Court challenging the Intermediary guidelines of February 25, 2021 in a 224 page document, a copy of which is presented here. The petition was expected and had indicated the possibility … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law | 6 Comments

Digital Assets of the Deceased… Need for a legislative change

We have in the past discussed the issue of “Digital Wills”.  (Refer here: Inheritance of Virtual Assets) ITA 2000 has kept “Wills” in electronic form outside the provisions of ITA 2000. Hence “Digital Wills” are not valid like written documents … Continue reading

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Open Letter to Madam Nirmala Seetharaman… Say No to Experimentation.. It will be misused

To Smt Nirmala Seetharaman Honourable Minister of Finance Delhi Sub: Regarding Crypto Currency Experimentation Madam I was going through the report in and on the proposed regulation on Crypto currency in which you are quoted to be soft … Continue reading

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