Search Results for: digital rupee

Bitcoin in India.. Raid to force regulatory Clarity

The raids conducted by the Enforcement Directorate in Ahmedabad on Bitcoin traders appear at first glance to be a blow to the Bitcoin community. Temporarily there will be fear and a suspicion that the Bitcoin bubble has been pricked. Holders … Continue reading

Posted in bitcoin | 8 Comments

RBI …Bitcoin

[P.S: Kindly Note that subsequent to writing of this post in December 2013, and observing the lack of self regulatory attitude of the Bitcoin managers and the continuing use of the Bitcoin by criminals, Naavi has clarified his view on … Continue reading

Posted in bitcoin, Cyber Law | 3 Comments

Advisory expected from RBI on Bitcoin

With Chinese central bank making official remarks on Bitcoins advising Banks not to acquire BTC as a currency/asset, and the approaching Global Bitcoin Conference in Bangalore on December 14th  and 15th, heat is now on RBI to give its own … Continue reading

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