Search Results for: adjudicator

Towards Becoming a Well rounded DPO

Yesterday, mr Ravi Shankar Prasad, the honourable minister of MeitY presented the “Personal Data Protection Act 2019” (PDPA2019) which is the revised version of PDPA 2018 suggested by the Justice Srikrishna Committee which was presently under discussion. The new version … Continue reading

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Uber Fraud and Faulty App Design

I reported a fraud on Uber yesterday stating that when the driver cancelled a scheduled trip, I was still charged for the same. Since yesterday I have been pursuing the complaint on twitter and though the complaint was acknowledged, there … Continue reading

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ICICI Bank ordered to pay Ra 43 lakhs to a victim of fraud

The Adjudicating officer of Telengana on 30th September 2019 awarded compensation to a victim of a fraud in ICICI Bank. The total amount which the customer (an NRI) had lost was Rs 43,07,525/-. The Bank had alleged that this was … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law | 2 Comments

How Banks Cheat in Limited Liability instances

At one time, Bankers were considered trusted individuals and respected in the community. But with the advent of technology, Bankers of the older generation receded into the background and technologists came into the Banking profession. Today Technologists have become Bankers … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law | 3 Comments

List of Nodal Officer Contacts

Many times disputes that arise with service providers of various agencies are resolved easily when we are able to reach out to the right persons in the organization. ITA 2000/8 mandates that every online service organization (who is an intermediary) … Continue reading

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IDBI Bank held liable in Phishing Case a-la Umashankar Vs ICICI Bank

The adjudication complaint of S Umashankar Vs ICICI Bank was a historic case in which the Adjudicator of Tamil Nadu, Mr PWC Davidar held that ICICI Bank is liable for negligence despite the phishing mail having been answered by the … Continue reading

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