Search Results for: privacy

UK Data Protection Act 2018 comes into force…

Racing against time with the implementation of GDPR, UK authorities have completed the formalities in introducing the new version of Data Protection legislation effective from 25th May 2018 co-terminus with the applicability of EU GDPR. This will continue even after … Continue reading

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The Role of DPOs under GDPR and the need for Indian Association of Data Protection Professionals

GDPR which is coming into full force on 25th May 2018 is aimed at protecting the Privacy interests of EU citizens under the EU constitution. However, the EU Commission believes that it has a role in protecting the privacy of … Continue reading

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Data Processor’s Association of India needed for Compliance without Destruction

The earlier article on GDPR entry into India being like a Vasco Da Gama discovery of India, has attracted some interesting reactions from some industry professionals. While we may accept that the intention of GDPR is to protect the Privacy … Continue reading

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Calling attention of Justice Srikrishna Committee on Data Protection; Don’t let GDPR be the new Vasco Da Gama

We have many times through these columns urged the Justice Srikrishna Committee which is drafting the new Data Protection law for India to ensure that an “Umbrella Protection” is provided to Indian Companies from being unfairly targeted under EU GDPR … Continue reading

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The GDPR dilemma… Am I a Data Controller? or a Data Processor?

The European Union data protection regulation namely the EU GDPR  which has attracted global attention due to the twin provisions of “Applicable to a controller or processor not established in the union” (ed: in some circumstances) and the obnoxiously huge administrative … Continue reading

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Shafhi Mohammad Judgement encourages Face Book Crime… Calling the attention of the Chief Justice of India

The January 30, 2018 order of the two member bench of the Supreme Court consisting of  Justices A.K.Goel and U.U.Lalit, in the case of Shafhi Mohammad Vs State of Himachal Pradesh dated 30th January 2018 (SPECIAL LEAVE PETITION (CRL.)  was discussed … Continue reading

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