Search Results for: bank

Is Cyber Insurance a B2B product? or B2C product?

Insurance is a means by which certain risks are transferred to an expert. All of us are familiar with Life Insurance, Health Insurance and Motor Vehicle Insurance. We take insurance because we know that a certain contingency needs to be covered. In … Continue reading

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Mission Cyber Insurance

There is an enthusiasm around India with the declaration of the Digital India project by our Prime Minister. The fact that more than Rs 450,000 crores of funds have been pledged by the Indian industry is an indication that the … Continue reading

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Cyber Insurance for All.. A pre requisite for Digital India

In the context of the Government’s push on the Digital India concept, there is an increasing apprehension that the society in India will become more and more dependent on Internet, E Commerce and E Governance. Some of this dependence comes … Continue reading

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If NaMo is the CEO of Digital India.. who will be the CISO of Digital India?

The event on 1st July, 2015, in which our Prime Minister Modi launched the Digital India project along with the battery of industrialists was very very impressive. I suppose Mr Arnab Goswami and the Congress must be squirming within themselves … Continue reading

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“Infosec Credit Trading ” on the lines of Carbon Credit Trading proposed

In the domain of Global Warming and Pollution Control an innovative idea that has been used to incentivize good players and disincentivise bad players is the system of Carbon Credits. The system basically puts a cap on carbon emissions by … Continue reading

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Revolution in Indian Investment Scenario in the offing

One of the most exciting manifestations of the Digital India story is in the process of being unleashed in the Indian investment scenario shortly.  The undersigned was one of the financial professionals who has seen the Capital markets in all … Continue reading

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