Search Results for: privacy

Aadhaar Judgement….2.. The Answers and Conclusions of the majority

This is a continuation of the earlier article “Aadhaar Judgement..1..Debate the Areas where Clarity is Required” The Aadhaar judgement is said to be the second longest case in terms of continuous hearing next only to the Keshavananda Bharati case in … Continue reading

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Facebook data breach, punctures the argument against Data Localization

Leading upto to the discussion on PDPA 2018 in the Parliament, there is an orchestrated opposition to the Data localisation aspect recommended in the PDPA 2018. However, the Face Book data breach which has reportedly compromised over 50 million accounts … Continue reading

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Data Protection Professionals in India… here is your organization..for you to build…

Data Protection as an activity is in the news. Ever since GDPR opened the flood gates of discussion on the role of Data Protection, the entire IT industry has been continually discussing the pros and cons of the emerging laws. … Continue reading

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Don’t Ask Aadhaar Number. Ask Virtual ID. It is permitted

After the 1448 page judgement on Aadhaar, it appears that some of the Private Sector companies are worried about the e-KYC process they were using for their business and whether they need to go back to the manual KYC process … Continue reading

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Aadhaar Judgement is welcome

The much awaited Aadhaar judgement has finally been delivered.  It was feared that there was a genuine possibility of Aadhaar being declared unconstitutional. Going by the way the Court reacted to the Section 66A of ITA 2008, and the harsh … Continue reading

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Data is the New Oil, Attempt to create Economic Colonies using Data Mining is a reality

I draw the attention of readers to an interesting article titled “American Data Miners are modern avatars of British East India Company”   .  This article also has relevance to the lobbying that many International companies are presently attempting to change some … Continue reading

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