Search Results for: cyber appellate tribunal

West Bengal Adjudicator imposes Rs 50000/- penalty on husband

In a first decision from the Adjudicator of West Bengal, an order has been passed against an estranged husband who spied on his wife’s phone using “Team Viewer” software. See Report  According to the report, the husband had installed a … Continue reading

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New Chairman appointed for TDSAT which is also the CyAT now

It is reported that former Supreme Court Judge, honourable Justice Shiva Kirti Singh will be the next chair person for the Telecom Disputes Settlement & Appellate Tribunal (TDSAT). The appointment is for a period of 3 years and he takes … Continue reading

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Proposed Amendments to ITA 2000 and Privacy Protection

Does ITA 2000/8 address “Privacy Protection”  and if so, does it do it effectively is a question that is lingering in the industry. It will continue to be a point of debate for the amended ITA 2017 (p). …This is … Continue reading

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Suggestions on Modification of ITA 2008

There is an exercise going on in Delhi to modify ITA 2008. Last time when ITA 2000 was amended, the trigger was the case where the CEO of (now was prosecuted under Section 85 of ITA 2000 … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law | 3 Comments

“Banks to report security breaches in two hours?”..Is it a Joke? or Fake News?

A report in the times group of papers today, it was stated that the Government has mandated that Banks need to report “Breaches” in their systems within 2 hours to the Government. TOI in its article titled “Government asks banks … Continue reading

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Limited Customer Liability on Bank Frauds.. Your Comments solicited by RBI

In a long awaited but highly welcome move, RBI has released a “Draft Circular” for public comments on “Limited Liability” for customers in case of frauds in Internet Banking and Card transactions. Suggestions/comments, if any, on the Draft Circular may be … Continue reading

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