Search Results for: UIDAI

Aadhaar case is a fight between honest citizens of India and the Benami property and Black Money owners

In the case of Justice Loya’s death due to heart attack, many senior advocates like Mr Dushyant Dave and Indira Jaisingh as well as politicians like Mr Rahul Gandhi are complaining that an enquiry needs to be ordered under the … Continue reading

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Aadhaar must be preserved with safeguards…. The root cause for Privacy breach is elsewhere

An interesting debate is happening in the Supreme Court on whether “Aadhaar is Constitutional” and whether it should be scrapped. We are informed that the Anti Aadhaar advocates have started putting through their view points to convince the Court that … Continue reading

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Aadhaar Adds another security layer to frustrate “Benami” s.

It appears that UIDAI is in race with the Supreme Court to ensure that the Court does not take any decision to question the use of Aadhaar as it is presently planned. Aadhar has evoked a mixed response from the … Continue reading

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Public Consultation on Data Protection Law…. Some points of discussion-2

(This is a continuation of the previous article) 2. One of the questions that arose during the discussions was on the “Data Breach Notification requirements” under the proposed act. There was one concern of the industry that “Data Breach” reporting … Continue reading

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It is Y2K moment again in India, with Virtual Aadhaar ID

It appears as if the Anti Aadhaar lobby in India has just been outsmarted by the UIDAI with its proposition of the “Virtual Aadhaar ID” as a response to the many complaints about the leakage of Aadhaar information. The Supreme … Continue reading

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Look beyond GDPR and Create Personal Data Trusts to manage Privacy of data subjects

As the extended date (31st January 2018) for submission of feedback on the whitepaper on Data Protection law approaches, there is increased activity in the industry circles to submit the recommendations. It is obvious that there will be two distinct … Continue reading

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