Search Results for: Theory of data

Privacy Notice is a RFP for personal information

(Here are some emerging thoughts on Privacy meant for further discussion during IDPS 2021…Naavi) Indian Data Protection Law in the form of PDPB 2019 is unique for the introduction of the concept of a Data Controller being a Data Fiduciary … Continue reading

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New Dimensions of Privacy on the horizon

India is on the eve of passing the PDPB 2019 and this law is set to herald a new era of data processing where the processing has to take into account a recognition of whether the data is personal or … Continue reading

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Australian Content Law is disturbing

The war that has erupted between FaceBook and the Australian Government has opened up a can of worms as regards the future of Internet. The proposed law envisages that news producers get rewarded for the news to be picked up … Continue reading

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In quest of developing “I’m OK-You’re OK AI algorithm”

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Should AI be declared as a Juridical person


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Extreme Risks in AI..Experts Warn of catastrophe ..

The recent developments in GPT 5, has prompted Google itself to sound out a warning that there are inevitable catastrophic consequences in the AI developments of recent times. While the Google Deepmind says that their teams are working on echnical … Continue reading

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