Search Results for: Section 66A

India’s credibility being downgraded by the assault on Republic in Maharashtra

When Section 66A of ITA 2000 was used by the Mumbai Police to arrest the Palghar girls, several people objected to the arrest and claimed that there was an infringement of the right to freedom of speech. When the case went … Continue reading

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ITA 2000/8 needs further changes

It is time to recall that on 17th October 2020, we have completed 20 years of the existence of Information Technology Act 2000. The one major amendment made to the Act was in 2008.  With the passage of Personal Data … Continue reading

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“Defamation” as Business Strategy

Among the many abuses of the great innovation called Internet and World Wide Web is the misuse of the technology for organized defamation like what we used to refer in the physical world as “Yellow Journalism”. While some adopt abuse … Continue reading

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Justice Srikrishna is needlessly harsh

Justice Srikrishna calls new Data Protection Bill a blank cheque to the state.. This picture appeared in an article in yesterday and quotes Justice B N Srikrishna who authored the famous report on Data Protection which finally led to … Continue reading

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New Cyber Crime Act in the anvil?

Recently, Mr Amit Shah, the honourable Home Minister of India collected information from across the country on the amendments that are required to the law to effectively counter Cyber crimes. Information coming out of the ministry seems to suggest that … Continue reading

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Improving the Cyber Crime Prevention, Detection, Investigation and Prosecution

As soon as the new BJP Government has taken over and Mr Amit Shah became the Home Minister, an effort is being launched to examine the improvements that are required to be made for better Cyber Crime control. Essentially, the … Continue reading

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