Search Results for: 65B

Loss of Mr Neeraj Arora…

It was a shocking news to receive today that our friend and a Cyber Law expert Mr Neeraj Arora is no more. It appears that he had recently recovered from Covid but succumbed to cardiac arrest. Mr Neeraj Arora was … Continue reading

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Election Commission and IIT-Madras working on E-Voting on a wrong platform

According to the news reports that are circulating, it is reported that the Chief Election Commissioner Mr Sunil Arora in an interaction with the IPS probationers at the SVP National Police Academy, Hyderabad has stated that  “Election Commission is working … Continue reading

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India does not allow type of extortion companies to flourish

US is a land where commercial exploitation is the natural business strategy. The Face Book, Google, WhatsApp are all representations of such  “Money First” approach. The laws are therefore often used to make money while pretending to protect the common … Continue reading

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Conflicts in Personal Data Disclosures

Data in a company is an asset which creates value for the company. The business model of many companies is built on the concept of “Data as Raw Material” and “Processed data as finished product”. In between, there is “Data Under … Continue reading

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20th Anniversary of the Digital Society Day of India

On October 17th, India will be celebrating the 20th anniversary of the birth of the digital society of India. On this day in 2000, Information Technology Act 2000 was notified. On that day, an electronic document became legally recognized as … Continue reading

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“Defamation” as Business Strategy

Among the many abuses of the great innovation called Internet and World Wide Web is the misuse of the technology for organized defamation like what we used to refer in the physical world as “Yellow Journalism”. While some adopt abuse … Continue reading

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