New Year Resolutions

As the new year 2018 dawns on us and we complete the sending of greetings to all our friends, it is time to start thinking how this year will be different from our previous years and how we make it better in terms of the values we cherish.

In pursuance of this objective, we need to set some goals for ourselves in the form of New year Resolutions which are measurable and achievable.

I urge all my friends to start drawing up their New Year Resolutions and share it in the various groups in which they otherwise exchange greetings.

For me, the year behind has been a reasonably satisfying year in which the RBI confirmed the “Limited Liability Circular”. Though it was not entirely satisfactory and the Banks as usual are ignoring it, still it was a major development that was satisfying, after years of struggle on assisting the Bank fraud victims.

The set back however was that the Cyber Appellate Tribunal did not start functioning and having been merged with TDSAT will become further marginalized. May be we need to take up this issue once again in the coming year.

In the meantime, the immediate task is to continue the fight on Bitcoin which is a tough fight since the Finance Ministry is itself determined to legalize Bitcoin and provide an avenue of all Black money in India to be laundered. The attempt to wake up Mr Modi and make him open his third eye will continue.

Year 2017 also saw a perceptible increase in the awareness of Section 65B Certification. This gave a boost to the activities of CEAC after years of hibernation and low growth and the increased level of operations should continue this year as well. Hopefully, the activities should grow at least by 100% during this year over the previous year.

The ODR project (  will be another project in long hibernation which forms part of the New Year Resolution of Naavi in 2018 to be pushed up so that it atleast takes some baby steps ahead.

But the next big thing to watch out is the new “Data Protection Act” that will be passed in India and how it works in tandem with the GDPR. HIPAA Audit and compliance has been a good prospect so far and probably GDPR compliance and Data Protection Compliance will be new areas of interest both from academic perspective and business perspective. One of the New Year resolutions to pursue is to develop a compliance framework for these emerging areas.

Hopefully, GOD gives strength and energy to make at least some of these New Year Resolutions to be realized during the year.

I wish all my friends and well wishers a happy new year through these columns and request their support for the future endeavours of Naavi and





About Vijayashankar Na

Naavi is a veteran Cyber Law specialist in India and is presently working from Bangalore as an Information Assurance Consultant. Pioneered concepts such as ITA 2008 compliance, Naavi is also the founder of Cyber Law College, a virtual Cyber Law Education institution. He now has been focusing on the projects such as Secure Digital India and Cyber Insurance
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