New Version of Course on PDPA

Cyber Law College, a division of Ujvala Consultants Pvt Ltd has introduced a new version of a Course on PDPA (Personal Data Protection Act).

This version would include additional modules on Data Governance Framework as well as a discussion on the Data Protection Challenges in the New Technology areas such as Artificial Intelligence, Big Data etc.

The revised Course content is now as follows:

Course Contents:

      1. Evolution of Privacy Law in India. (ITA 2000-ITA 2008-Puttaswamy Judgement.Etc.) and
      2. Understanding the Concept of Privacy and its relation with Data Protection
      3. Applicability, Exemptions, Transitional Provisions
      4. Data Principal’s Rights and Data Protection Obligations
      5. Grounds of Processing
      6. Transfer of Personal data outside India
      7. DPA and DPO
      8. Compliance Obligations
      9. Penalties and Offences and Grievance Redressal mechanism
      10. Data Protection Challenges under New Technologies
      11. Data Governance Framework
      12. Interactive discussion

The 12 sessions would be divided over 6 weeks with two sessions per week.

(A Free additional module will be held to cover the changes if any after the Act is passed)

The tentative date of commencement would be in the middle of November. Exact date of commencement would be announced later.

The students need to be online at the time the classes are conducted but can join the sessions through computer or mobile.

At the end of the classes, the students will take an online test and there after will be eligible for certification. Certificate will be co-endorsed by the Foundation of Data Protection Professionals in India.

Intended students may register at the earliest.

For more information , visit

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