Need for Netizen’s Forum

It is being increasingly observed in India that the Cyber Law space is in need of a major overhaul. Cyber Crimes are increasing and the Government machinery as well as the Police are acting dangerously showing apathy for genuine victims and aggression for political opponents.

ITA 2008 has bestowed enormous powers on the Police and if a tendency develops int he police to misuse them then there would be danger for the society.

Our Human Rights Organizations are incapable of understanding the requirements of Netizens, protecting their rights and preventing their unfair victimization.

Examples of Government apathy is evident in the Government of India remaining silent on the appointment of chair person for the Cyber Appellate Tribunal in Delhi. In Karnataka apathy of the Government is evident from the action of the earlier Adjudicator who has kept the service out of reach of cyber crime victims in Karnataka with a tainted decision and the new administration remaining silent.

Examples of Police atrocities is raising. Honest Small business owners in Internet space are in danger of being harassed by excessive use of force

There is a need for change in some of the laws to make them more effective without being repressive. has been a spokes person for such issues on cyber space for nearly 15 years. But the anti netizen forces have now become so strong that unless a larger movement of netizens takes up the responsibility for fighting for netizen’s rights, the future of Cyber space dwellers from India looks bleak. therefore proposes setting up of an All India Netizen’s Forum with the sole objective of being a representative body of Netizens which can take up issues of importance to the Netizens with the appropriate authorities from time to time.

Initially, will be the base and an attempt to build a critical mass of Netizens into this forum will be started. If sufficient support is received, the movement will be taken forward.

The outline of what this “All India Forum of Netizens” (AIFON) is expected to do will be presented through this site.

I look forward to support from all like minded persons for this initiative.


About Vijayashankar Na

Naavi is a veteran Cyber Law specialist in India and is presently working from Bangalore as an Information Assurance Consultant. Pioneered concepts such as ITA 2008 compliance, Naavi is also the founder of Cyber Law College, a virtual Cyber Law Education institution. He now has been focusing on the projects such as Secure Digital India and Cyber Insurance
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